Posted on: 4:27 pm, May 15, 2014, by Zaneta Lowe, updated on: 05:36pm, May 15, 2014

(Memphis) Repair or replace? Its a question we all face when a product or appliance breaks down.

WREG is On Your Side with an easy guide that will hopefully save you time and money when answering that question.

Youre likely going to have to spend some money, but when and whether to repair or replace a product often makes the difference in how much you shell out.

To eliminate some of the guess work, Consumer Reports compiled a year by year timeline for appliances, electronics, and lawn equipment.

Celia Kuperszmid-Lehrman is a Deputy Content Editor at Consumer Reports. She spoke with WREG via Skype.

You can look at our timelines and you can see this is about what it costs to buy a new one, we also have information about what the average costs of repairs are, Lehrman said.

Its all based on how old the product is when it breaks.

Consumer Reports rule of thumb is, dont spend more than 50 percent of the cost of a new item on repairs.

For example, lets say your television goes out and the new one you like costs $300. You should then spend $150 or less on repairs.

See the article here:
Should You Repair Or Replace That Broken Item?

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