Jesus was a carpenter. His disciples were fishermen. Even Moses made a living as a shepherd.

Just like in biblical times, many church leaders today are holding down second jobs.

Its becoming a cultural norm, said Gabe Dodd, lead pastor of The Branch Church in Dahlonega. When I started in ministry in 2008, I didnt know of anybody (who) was doing bivocational stuff. But today its kind of normal.

Dodd works part time, about three days a week, at a Starbucks in Cumming. He works at least two days at the church and keeps Saturdays open for his family.

Trying to keep a balance, with all three different aspects happy, can be a little bit difficult, Dodd said. There are a lot of times when I go to bed feeling like I should have done more for family time or church time. Or people are asking me to pick up shifts at Starbucks.

Dodd said while hes heard a lot of pastors predict bivocational ministry will become the way churches are run in the future, hes not exactly sold on the idea for himself.

Its just funny that books are being written about it now and theres conferences where they talk about it and some pastors are pushing this is the way to go, Dodd said. But Im one of those guys where Ill do it for a season, but this is not the way I want to do it for the rest of my life.

Scott Waters, pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Gainesville, had to return to bivocational life after a period of working full time in the church. He now works full time selling nuts and bolts for House of Threads in Gainesville as well as serving the Gainesville church. He focuses on studying Scripture and spending time with his family after his work day is completed.

I believe that being a bivocational pastor keeps me in touch with things that your church members go through on a day-to-day basis, Waters said. Keeps me in touch with what its like to work and serve God, too. It has its advantages, but its a little tiresome sometimes.

While Waters doesnt hesitate to admit there are daily challenges of balancing his multiple roles, he sees the opportunities for ministry.

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Pastors serve God full time while working second job

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