Scientists from the Burke Museumare making preparations to remove a tusk fromthe bottom of an apartment building construction site.

Theyare digging out a Columbian mammoth tusk that was discovered by workers on Tuesday.

Christian Sidor is a paleontologist with the museum.

"Right now, without any further excavation, it stands at7feet long, and we're not at the tip of the tusk yet," said Sidor.

Heestimatedthe age of the artifact at 22,000years, but it could be up to 60,000years old.

Carbon-datingtests will be able to offer a more precise age for the fossil.

The property owner is AMLI Residential.

"We think this is an amazing find, and it's not something that should end up in a living room or even in a leasing office lobby.It should end up where everyone can see it," saidone of the company's officers, Scott Koppelman.

AMLI has given the Burke Museum permission to put the tusk on display.

The museumhas 25 other mammoth fossils, but this could be the largest tusk ever found in Washington State.

See original here:
South Lake Union mammoth tusk excavation continues

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February 14, 2014 at 3:52 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Apartment Building Construction