This5-story, 7-unit congregate residence with 132 sleeping rooms and 4 live-work units is proposed to be built at 5011 15th NW in Ballard. The design has been under development since 2018. A Land Use Application has been filed with the City of Seattle.

Hybrid Architecture image

A Land Use Application has been filed with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections to allow a 5-story, 7-unit congregate residence with 132 sleeping rooms and 4 live-work units to be built at 5011 15th NW in Ballard. No parking is proposed. The existing building willbe demolished. Early design guidance is conducted under 3032087-EG

The project has been in process since 2018 and is called PONTE and is being designed by Hybrid Architecture in Seattle.

It's been the subject of public meetings and has been through some design review board changes since the first submission.

Development Objectives

Provide mix of congregate and small efficiency dwelling units for single residents to live in an efficient but communal setting with shared kitchens and amenity lounge areas.

134 units

101 bicycle parking stalls (as req)

0 vehicular parking stalls (none are req)

The site is along a very busy intersection with a high volume of auto traffic at all hours of the day.

The site is located just north of the 15th Ave bridge and just southeast of downtown Ballard, which will provide future residents of this building with a variety of civic, commercial and recreational activities.

This project will activate a site that is currently occupied by a one - two story office / retail building along with an at grade parking lot.

This area is transitioning from industrial to residential and is in the process of establishing a new architectural character. This project aims to both acknowledge some of the industrial charm of the area while helping bring a contemporary architectural nature to the context.

Create welcoming courtyard environment

- a place for residents and guests to engage with outdoors

Provide a variety of efficient units

- maximize height and light / bright colors and tall ceilings

Establish sense of enclosure and privacy within busy context

- try to block noise from car wash & traffic from 15th Ave NW

Ecological & Sustainable

- harness rainwater in bio planters, use efficient and durable materials


The following public comments were offered at this meeting:

Concerned that parking is not proposed and resulting impacts to on-street parking in the surrounding area.

Concerned with the design and location of bicycle storage.

Questioned the timeline for approval and construction.

Concerned regarding the setback from the west property line and relationship to the adjacent structure.

1. Massing:

a. The Board expressed disappointment that massing options 1 and 2 were not developed to the same level as option 3. However, the Board agreed that option 3 best responds to the character of the three frontages and supported this option as the basis for further refinement. (CS2-C-1 Corner Sites, CS2-D-1 Existing

Development and Zoning)

b. The Board felt the L-shaped volumes were too boxy and gave guidance to further articulate the massing. (DC2-A-2 Reducing Perceived Mass)

c.The Board agreed that the massing volumes should be perceived as two separate structures. This could potentially be accomplished by differentiating the height of the L-shaped forms. (DC2-A-2 Reducing Perceived Mass, CS2-C-1 Corner Sites, CS2-D-1 Existing Development and Zoning)

d. The Board discussed the horizontal modulation along the alley faade which is driven by the alley dedication requirement. Modulation of the alley faade should be developed as a cohesive element of the overall design concept. (CS2-C-1 Corner Sites, CS2-D-1 Existing Development and Zoning)

2. Courtyard & Amenity Area:

a. The Board discussed the size of the courtyard and noted that the precedent image provided in the EDG packet (pg. 29) showed a courtyard approximately 18 wide. The Board agreed that the proposed 10 width did not provide adequate privacy and access to natural light and air for units facing the courtyard. (CS2-B Sunlight and Natural Ventilation)

b. Noting the communal aspect of the building, the Board emphasized the importance of amenity area for small residential units and strongly agreed that the amount of amenity area provided should be adequate for the number of users. (PL1-C Outdoor Uses and Activities, DC3-B-1 Meeting User Needs, DC3-C-2 Amenities/Features, PL1- A-1 Network of Open Spaces)

3. Arrangement of Ground Floor Uses & Street Level Activation:

a. The Board noted that the structure will be precedent setting for new development along 15th Ave NW and agreed that the proposal should consider the future character of the street rather than responding to the current context. Therefore, the Board requested active uses be located along 15th Ave NW to interact with the street frontage. (CS2-B-2 Connection to the Street, CS3-A-4 Evolving Neighborhoods, PL1-B Walkways and Connections)

b. In addition to the lack of activation of the street, the Board was also concerned with privacy, noise and air quality impacts for ground level residential units along 15th Ave NW and the alley. The Board provided guidance to resolve the ground plane design to mitigate these impacts for ground level residential units. (PL3-B-1 Security and Privacy, Pl3-B-2 Ground-level Residential)

c. The Board supported the location of the residential entry on NW 51st street. (PL3-A Entries)

d. The Board discussed the high number of move-ins anticipated and recommended consideration of how and where loading will occur. (PL1-B Walkways and Connections)

4. Facade Composition

a. The Board noted the severe wall condition proposed on 15th Ave NW as well as the high visibility of the faade and gave guidance to break down the boxy character and further articulate the mass, which could include lowering the height. (DC2-A-2

Reducing Perceived Mass, DC2-B-1 Faade Composition)

b. The Board observed that the signage feels applied to the faade and provided guidance to integrate the signage with the design concept and create a cohesive faade composition. (DC2-B-1 Faade Composition, DC4-B Signage)

c. The Board discussed the material cladding strategy described on pg. 26 of the EDG packet and questioned whether the materials for each L-shaped volume should be more related. The cladding relationship of the two masses should be further studied. At the Recommendation phase the Board expects to review a fully developed concept for the exterior cladding. (DC4-B-1 Exterior Finish Materials, DC2-B-1 Faade Composition)

5. Bike Storage

a. The Board stated concern with the security of the exterior bike storage and encouraged internal storage areas. Further development of the design should create secure bike storage. (PL4-B-2 Bike Facilities, PL4-B-1 Early Planning)

6. Universal Access

a. As concerns regarding the amenity area are resolved, one Board member recommended consideration of including an elevator to provide universal access throughout the structure. (PL2-A Accessibility)

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Five story 132 "sleeping room" apartment coming to 15th NW in Ballard - Westside Seattle

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December 8, 2020 at 3:53 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Apartment Building Construction