4 Melba Road, St Catharines 905-687-6653

About five to seven times a day, the air in your home circulates through the air ducts of your HVAC heating and cooling system, carrying with it the delightful dust and debris of everyday living.

Its true that your furnace filter catches some of these pretty particles, but neglect, remodeling projects, or shoddy duct installation can lead to a buildup of gunk inside your ductwork that can threaten the efficient functioning of your system and possibly your health.

If your nose is getting itchy just thinking about what might lurk in your ducts its time to call the experts at Niagara Duct Cleaning and Aeroseal Technologies for a free, no obligation in-home inspection.

Ten years ago, Niagara Duct Cleaning and Aeroseal Technologies was founded with a singular purpose in mind: to provide you with clean air services and ensure you, your family and your employees are breathing a continuous and unobstructed flow of life-sustaining pure air.

The first step to this process is removing the years of dust and dirt from your duct system with a thorough cleaning by our professional licensed staff. The next step is to ensure it stays away, by the application of the award-winning Aeroseal duct sealant.

This magic mist manages to find the thousands of leaks that typically plague a forced air duct system, bonds to the leaky areas, and forms a permanent seal from the inside. This process results in; reduced air loss, maximized efficiency and the supply of more clean air to each room up to 30% more! No wonder it was awarded Best New Home Technology by, This Old House, one of Americas biggest and most trusted brands in home improvement!

Aside from proper duct cleaning and sealing, Niagara Duct Cleaning is also pleased to offer a variety of other services designed to maximize your comfort. These include humidifiers, furnace filters, air purifiers and more.

The best way to make your home or commercial property safe and comfortable for your family or staff is to contact the experts at Niagara Duct Cleaning today for your free, no obligation estimate at 905-687-6653 or email info@niagaraductcleaning.com.

See the original post here:
Niagara Duct Cleaning & Aeroseal Technologies

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June 6, 2014 at 9:39 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Air Duct Cleaning