ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Following the success of a similar event in October, the Village of Arlington Heights is hosting a virtual town hall Thursday on an initiative regarding the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion project. All members of the community are invited to the event slated to start at 7 p.m.

"We look forward to hearing about your experiences, perceptions and expectations regarding this project, sharing an update on our progress thus far, and planning our next steps as we continue to sustain a welcoming community for all," organizers said in a press release.

No pre-registration is necessary and the meeting will accommodate up to 100 participants. If residents cannot attend the session, it will be recorded and available for viewing on the Village's website.

This event will be facilitated by the Kaleidoscope Group. Representatives of the Village, school districts and other local government agencies will be in attendance.

According to data, 81.7 percent of the Arlington Heights community is white only and 92.2 percent of the Village staff. One of the Village Board's Strategic Priorities since 2019, according to its website, is to "Find new ways to embrace diversity within the Community and Village Government."

To achieve this strategic priority, the Village Board unanimously approved a contract in September with the Kaleidoscope Group, a consultant group experienced in diversity, equity, and inclusion, based out of Chicago.

To learn more about the Village's initiative, check out the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion project page here.

To Participate in the Virtual Town Hall Meeting:7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3

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Diversity Town Hall Planned For Thursday In Arlington Heights -

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