Dear Ed: I'm looking for a wall-hung kitchen sink and so far I'm having no luck finding serious information. Most people I've spoken with don't understand what I want and move on to show me more standard kitchen sinks. I'm a loyal reader and hope you can point me in the right direction. What can you tell me about installing a wall-hung kitchen sink? Jean, Vermont

A: Since kitchen space is usually at premium, many homeowners want the extra storage space that you'll find under most "drop-in" style kitchen sinks. Also, if you're looking to install a garbage disposal, the kitchen sink base cabinet will hide the unit as well as provide extra storage space.

That's why installing an open-base, wall-hung kitchen sink may not be practical for standard kitchens. However, if you're planning for a large kitchen with plenty of storage and place the disposer on a secondary sink, why not look into a wall-hung kitchen sink?

Two things to keep in mind:

First, you may have better luck looking for a high-end utility sink with decorative legs. Decorative cast-iron utility sinks are often made for kitchen use as well as for use in a laundry room.

Second, since this is an open-base fixture it will need to be roughed-in and installed with chrome or brass finish piping under the sink. Bottom line: A wall-hung kitchen sink may not be an off-the-wall request!

Master contractor/plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book "Ed Del Grande's House Call," the host of TV and Internet shows and a LEED green associate. Visit or write

Originally posted here:
Plumber: Wall-hung kitchen sink doesn't offer storage space

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December 20, 2013 at 12:17 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber