1) Do you really have termites, or some other flying insect like ants?

2) What kind of termites do you have? The treatment options will differ.

3) How did you get them, and how can you stop them in the future?

Do you have them?

Find An Exterminator - If you think you do have termites, it's extremely hard to get rid of them on your own. On this page, you can fill out a quick form and get price quotes from exterminators in your area for inspections, preventative treatments, or elimination of existing colonies in your home. You can also get quotes on inspections for real estate sales (i.e., if you're thinking of buying a place and want it checked out first).

Pictures of Termites - Some more photos to help you identify them.

How to do a Termite Inspection - This page covers how to do a termite inspection yourself, the signs of termites, links to pictures of what to look for and pictures of termites, as well as the basics about getting a professional inspection done.

Basic Information About Termites:

Follow this link:
Termite Guide - How to Kill Termites

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November 7, 2013 at 5:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Termite Inspection and Control