McLean, VA (PRWEB) October 03, 2013

There are many myths and misconceptions about home security systems, but most of them are outdated or simply not true. Innovations have drastically improved security systems in recent years and have made many myths obsolete. FrontPoint Security, the nationwide leader in wireless home security, has released a list that debunks these myths and misconceptions.

Myth No one will break into my home, so I dont need a system.

In 2012, 74.5 percent of 2 million burglaries took place in residential areas. A burglar can target any home, anywhere, at any time. A home that is not protected by a home security system has a significantly higher chance of it being targeted.

Myth Security systems are too expensive.

Consider the cost of the items you could lose in a burglary. According to the FBI, the average dollar loss per burglary in 2012 was $2,230. The price of the equipment is also not as expensive as it seems. FrontPoint Security works with customers to make sure they only get the equipment they need, thus saving customers money. By signing an agreement, customers can reduce the price even further by up to $300.

Myth Having one wont lower my insurance rates.

On average, home insurance payments can be discounted by up to 20 percent by owning a home security system. Insurance companies are likely to give better rates to someone whose home is at less risk for a break-in. A lesser chance of a break-in means a lesser chance of a claim.

Myth I have insurance, so I dont need a security system.

Insurance cant stop a burglary. So while you may able to reclaim your money through insurance, theres no way to get back items that may be rare or hold sentimental value. A security system can prevent the loss of such items.

Go here to read the rest:
FrontPoint Security Debunks Myths About Home Security Systems

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October 4, 2013 at 3:49 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security