Martinez, GA (PRWEB) August 02, 2013

Rain may make flowers grow and crops more plentiful, but it also can play a significant role in bringing rodents indoors. According to the National Weather Service, Georgia, and in particular Augusta, has seen rainfall of record proportions. All this rain has increased the amount of not only mosquitoes, but also the mice population. Hornes Pest Control can advise on how to rid homes of these destructive rodents.

Heavy rainfall directly results in an increase of mice moving to indoor locations where they are dry and can maintain their nests. When mice come indoors, they can be quite difficult to control. It often seems that by the time any evidence is noticed, there is an infestation within the home. Unfortunately, when most people first notice any evidence of mice, they incorrectly assume they have just one mouse. This is usually not the case. The odds are that the home has several mice and placing a trap, a glue board or a box of bait will not be effective in controlling the infestation.

Mice are often seen as an aggravation, but are rarely thought of for their destructive nature. People must often be reminded that it was mice, infested with fleas, which caused the Black Plaque that decimated Europes population. Even today, with all of the modern exterminating practices, rodents destroy 25 percent of the worlds grain supply annually.

Understanding basic mouse biology and behavior can help in controlling these pests.

Mice are outside animals that come indoors for food and shelter. They can enter a home through a hole the size of a dime. Exclusion work is important, but can be difficult. It is imperative to check the homes exterior and seal any cracks with the proper products. Once the mouse is inside they usually set up a nest rather quickly. They eat many types of foods and are not hesitant to try new foods. They need very little free water and can survive mostly on the water contained in their food sources.

Mice are primarily nocturnal and will generally only travel 10 30 feet from their nesting area. They have very poor eyesight and are color blind. They have an extremely keen sense of smell and taste. One house mouse produces 36,000 droppings per year. These droppings and urine stains are what enable a mouse to navigate in a home so well; it is also why they can contaminate large areas very quickly.

Mice control can be attained through a multistep process. First, inspect the area and dispose of all food stuffs and items that have been in contact with mice. For items that cannot be thrown away, wash them thoroughly with a product containing ammonia, which will cut the urine and other smells. Scrub the flooring, shelving and baseboards all around the nesting areas for a distance of at least 30 feet.

A variety of control measures are then taken. Make sure to have clean hands while performing these next steps. Mice dont mind human smells they are living in the home, but mice are repelled from the scents of strong cleaners, insecticides, tobacco and varnishes. Remember mice sample many different foods, so apply several different mice baits and place different foods in many traps. Place two or three traps together to help prevent them from escaping. Put several glueboards along the baseboards.

When the mice re-enter the area, there will be no usual food, and no usual smells. The mice will be disoriented. However, they are curious by nature and will begin to explore. They will sample the baits, stumble into a glueboard or activate a trap. After a few days of this, should provide decent results and eventual control.

The rest is here:
Horne's Pest Control Advises On Mice Infestations

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August 2, 2013 at 3:59 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control