MT. VERNON MT. VERNON Mt. Vernon City Council will be asked on Monday night to waive bidding procedures for window replacement at the former National Guard Armory building.

The city received a 50/50 matching grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in the amount of $144,000 for asbestos abatement at the Armory.

According to Nathan McKenna, Capital Projects Manager for the city, bids came in favorably for the abatement project, resulting in approximately $57,000 left over in grant funds. McKenna said officials of the DCEO have indicated the remaining funds can be used for window replacement.

Approximately 42 windows will be replaced, McKenna said, although the $57,000 will not cover the entire cost of the project.

After the city contacted several contractors for price estimates on the replacement project, only one Mt. Vernon Glass submitted an estimate for the work, according to McKenna. He will recommend the city accept the company's quote to replace the windows.

At this time, a local group, with the help of the Mt. Vernon Festivals Committee, are hosting monthly Market Days on the lawn of the building and in the parking lot. The first two events have brought out large crowds and many vendors. The next Market Days event will be held on Aug. 3.

City officials are still trying to determine how to use the Armory, and hired a consultant Merje Environments and Experiences to help decide the future of the property.

Also at Monday's meeting, Parks and Public Facilities Director George Bryant will be requesting the west main parking lot at Veterans Memorial Park be resurfaced.

"Presently the west main parking lot at Veterans Park is severely deteriorated. The bid will include materials and installation of a 2-inch overlay including restriping," Bryant wrote to city administrators. Bryant said the project has funding budgeted under the Quality of Life projects.


See the rest here:
Council considers window replacement

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July 14, 2013 at 9:41 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement