Celina residents will have the opportunity to attend a class on home sprinkler systems, and how a properly functioning one can help both the pocketbook and the environment.

In partnership with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District and Texas A&M Agri-Life, the city will host a free session on sprinkler system basic from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 25 at City Hall Council Chambers, 302 W. Walnut St.

Residents are encouraged to sign up now at http://dallas.tamu.edu/courses/2013/july-25,-2013-sprinkler-system-basics-(city-of-celina). Those who attend the class will learn how to operate the sprinklers, program the controller and make minor repairs to the system.

According to UTRWD, residents are also encouraged to reduce frequency of washing vehicles, draining and refilling swimming pools, and using water for recreational purposes like games or leisure.

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Free sprinkler system basics class offered to Celina residents

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July 11, 2013 at 2:02 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sprinkler System