Greensboro, NC - Bugs as a major food group?

The United Nations says it's a low-fat food that's high in protein good for people, pets and livestock. The goal is to help reduce world hunger. They also believe eating bugs could help reduce greenhouse gases, livestock pollution and create jobs in developing countries.

The UN says beetles and caterpillars are the most popular cuisine but what about cicadas?

They're swarming the East Coast and experts say they're a good choice. Experts told USA Today cicadas are the "shrimp of the land."

They have exoskeletons like shrimp and they're high in protein.

But instead of eating bugs, you may want to get rid of them.

The season of 'swarmers' is upon us and the bug count will pick up.

WFMY News 2's Morgan Hightower met with a pest control expert Monday and he says, he's ready for a busy business season.

Don Summey says the bugs they're seeing the most are cicadas, termites and ants.

He works for Pest Management Systems, Incorporated based in Greensboro.

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As Bugs Swarm, Business Picks Up For Pest Control Companies

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May 14, 2013 at 10:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control