Decks have been cleared for clubbing of allowances with basic pay for PF deductions under the EPFO scheme, a move that will increase savings but reduce take-home pay of over 5 crore subscribers.

A review committee, constituted to look into the nitty-gritty of clubbing of allowances with basic pay for PF deductions, has supported the idea for enhancing the social security benefit under the EPF scheme run by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

The committees suggestion would be vetted by the Labour Ministry and would be put before the EPFOs apex decision making body the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) for taking final call on it, a trustee and Secretary Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh B N Rai said.

On the issue of clubbing of wages, even the employers representatives supported the view that all such allowances which are regularly and uniformly paid to workers should form part of basic pay for PF deductions, said Mr Rai, who was the member of the review panel.

The suggestions of the committee have been already sent to Labour Ministry for scrutiny, EPFO officials said.

On November 30, the outgoing Central Provident Fund Commissioner R C Mishra brought out a notification to club all allowances which are regular in nature, with basic pay.

The notification had said: All such allowances which are ordinarily, necessarily and uniformly paid to the employees are to be treated as the basic wages.

The notification was an effort to check the practice of splitting of wages by employers to reduce their provident fund obligations.

However, the notification was put in abeyance following reports which criticised the move of the retirement fund body.

On limiting the period to 7 years for initiating inquiry against employers for lapses in maintaining EPFO accounts, Mr Rai said: The Committee has favoured keeping such inquiries open-ended if it is found that employers have not been depositing the PF contributions.

Read the rest here:
Decks cleared for clubbing allowances with basic pay for PF deduction

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April 20, 2013 at 12:51 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks