GTA IV: Demolition Derby Tournament (Round 2 of 5)
This was an idea we had a couple months back. Many of the cops robbers players enjoy demolition derbies. We got together and held grueling 5 round tournament to decide once and for all, who the best demo derby driver in the cops robbers group was. The results may or may not surprise you. It depends on how well you know the group. The second round was short and sweet. Vader ended up winning. THANKS TO ALL DRIVERS WHO ATTENDED!!! DRIVERS: Vader (Sabre GT driver) RPG Starmix (Sabre GT driver) MACJ0KER (Dukes driver) VOLBEAT (Dukes driver) Myself (Dukes driver)

By: Hearsesrock427

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GTA IV: Demolition Derby Tournament (Round 2 of 5) - Video

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February 28, 2013 at 7:58 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition