Home > News Demolition of Lynn home out for bid By Chris Stevens / The Daily Item

LYNN A Boston Street home thats been called a blight on the neighborhood is destined for demolition.

The property owner has not been playing ball for years, said Ward 5 Councilor Brendan Crighton. Ive been dealing with this since I first came on the council.

Boarded up windows are the only outward sign that the pale yellow house that sits back slightly from the busy roadway is abandoned. The property is otherwise neat and empty of debris, but that hasnt always been the case.

Inspectional Services Director Michael Donovan said the property owner first came under fire in 2008 when he made changes to the home without proper permits, and that violated the citys building and zoning codes. Then there was an actual fire, he said.

After the fire Donovan said the owner boarded up the property and walked away.

After tracking him down, Donovan said the property owner claimed he was having difficulty with his insurance company.

At that time a lot of people were having problems with their insurance companies and mortgage companies, so the city wasnt push, push, push, he said.

Since then the property has racked up $4,265 worth of code violations that have gone unpaid and the property has continued to deteriorate.

A rodent issue came up and the whole place just takes down the quality of the neighborhood, Crighton said. Im sure there are probably health and safety issues, and I think a lot of the residents will be relieved when it comes down.

Continued here:
Demolition of Lynn home out for bid

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January 23, 2013 at 2:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition