McALESTER Taking steps to help McAlester Public Schools for completion of a new metal roof at a school in the city is among the items on the agenda for the McAlester City Councils next regular meeting.

Councilors are set to meet in regular session at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the council chambers at City Hall.

An agenda item regarding the school roof calls for councilors to consider and act upon a memorandum of understanding between the McAlester Public Works Authority and the McAlester Public Schools Board of Education.

The action, placed on the agenda by City Manager Pete Stasiak would authorizes the release of funds derived from City Ordinance 2159 for the acquisition, construction or equipment of educational facilities.

Councilors are to consider a motion to approve a memorandum of understanding that would convey to the McAlester School District $370,000 to be used for completion of the new metal roof at Puterbaugh Middle School.

The McAlester Public Works Authority approved a memorandum of understanding Feb. 14, 2012, to provide McAlester Public Schools $700,000 for the repair or replacement of school roofs.

MPS is requesting an additional $370,000 to complete the second half of the Puterbaugh Middle School roof, according to city documents.

The money is derived from sales tax returns collected from a sales tax originally passed by city voters on a city question to fund new construction at McAlester Public Schools.

At the time, the school district was having a difficult time meeting the 60 percent of the vote threshold required to pass a school bond issue.

The state legislature has allowed for school-related measures to be considered as a city vote, it its agreeable to both the city and the school district. When the measure passed, it had allowed for new constriction at McAlester High School, including constriction of the Lucy Freeman Smith center.

Read more from the original source:

School's roofing, new city logo, among council agenda items

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January 21, 2013 at 9:04 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing replacement