#HITB2012KUL D1T3 - Paul Sebastian Ziegler - Hacking in The Far East
PRESENTATION MATERIALS: conference.hitb.org PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: If you want to believe popular movies or worse yet popular news, a hacker #39;s perfect habitat is either a riverside apartment in the tropics, an ominous apartment in Eastern Europe or an unsuspecting mother #39;s basement in the United States. Obviously, neither movie directors nor reporters have ever worked security in the Far East. In this presentation, we will shine a light on how security "works" in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong using the form of an educational best-of spanning 8 years of security research in the area. After attending, you will be able to use most of the featured techniques yourself. This talk will cover: - Corporate Insecurity Policy - Not-So-Smart Cards - Social Engineering for Natives Foreigners - Ultra Advanced JavaScript Password Authentication - Way Too Near Field Communication - Planting SEEDs - Home Security Hacking - The "Nothing is Happening" Syndrome and much much more! ABOUT PAUL SEBASTIAN ZIEGLER Paul is a free security researcher and author for a wealth of companies and publishers. He was a speaker at defcon15, Black Hat Japan 2007, AVTokyo 2009 and Hack In The Box Kuala Lumpur 2010/2011 and likes keeping speeches easy to follow and fun to listen to while tapping into new and unusual areas of security research. Paul currently lives in Tokyo while working for a range of clients across East Asia.From:Hack In The Box Security ConferenceViews:6 1ratingsTime:59:38More inScience Technology

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#HITB2012KUL D1T3 - Paul Sebastian Ziegler - Hacking in The Far East - Video

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November 28, 2012 at 1:02 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security