Aluminum planes can bring down a steel building? No - they would crush like a beer can! Here is the link to the original video, copyright belongs to the respective holders. I have no copyrights to the video shown here - take it and spread it everywhere you can. 911 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED! See with your own eyes http://www.youtube.com Also how they faked the videos: 9/11 - NO PLANES - Watch for proof http://www.youtube.com Bush knew in advance - http://www.youtube.com If I can find it, I will post the video that shows exactly which corporations had offices in the buildings - mindblowing revelations in this one. Found it! 9/11 Masterminds: Explosive Connections wideeyecinema.com 1600 engineers and architects put their professional reputations on the line: en.wikipedia.org and: http://www.youtube.com Mr. Lear #39;s (Lear Jet Corporation) sworn testimony that an aluminum jet cannot penetrate a steel building and more: 911scholars.ning.com Mirror sites: butterflystorms.blog.ca http://www.infowars.com Do an internet search for: Lear Affidavit 911 VICTORY TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD VICTORY TO THE LIGHT! I AMFrom:TSGameStarViews:18 0ratingsTime:01:49More inScience Technology

See the original post here:
9/11 No Plane - YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW! - Video

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November 18, 2012 at 5:43 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Architects