WELLSBURG - At a time when many churches are striving to fill their pews and pinching their pennies to pay the bills, building a $1.9 million addition at Brooke Hills Free Methodist Church may have seemed like a giant leap of faith.

And the Rev. Bryce Grieco, church pastor, admitted there was some hesitation initially by church members who said the Ohio Valley is facing tough economic times.

"I said, if that's true, then wouldn't this be a great testimony to God," said Grieco. "God wants opportunities like that. He wants people to step out in faith and show his glory."

EXPANSION COMPLETED Members of Brooke Hills Free Methodist Church celebrated the completion of a $1.9 million expansion with a special service and breakfast Sunday. Discussing the addition are, from left, the Rev. James Jobes, superintendent of the Pittsburgh Conference of the Free Methodist Church; the Rev. Bryce Grieco, the churchs pastor; and the Rev. David Roller, bishop of the Eastern Area of the Free Methodist Church. -- Warren Scott

But the decision to expand the church on Washington Pike by 16,900 additional feet wasn't based solely on the assumption that more space will draw more people.

The church already had an average attendance of 240 people between its two Sunday morning services. Because the church's former sanctuary had seating for 110, one of the services had been moved to the multipurpose center used by the church for recreational activities and dubbed the Christian Life Center.

Grieco said the styles of the two services - one contemporary with music performed by a small band, and the other more traditional - also dictated the need for two gatherings. But elements of the two have been merged and thanks to the addition of a 440-seat sanctuary, the entire church congregation can worship together.

The Rev. Steve Roller, bishop of the Eastern Area of the Free Methodist Church, said the project wouldn't have been possible without "visionary leadership, people who believe it will happen and support from the community."

Before a commitment to construction was made, a campaign was launched by the heads of 26 families in the church, including co-directors John and Beverly Cook, with the help of TLC Ministries of New Castle, Ind., a professional fundraising organization.

It included several rallies, a 24-hour prayer service and more than 100 home visits.

Read more:
Church has grown in numbers and size

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October 23, 2012 at 10:40 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction