KEY ACTION After hearing a request from Building Inspector Blaine Strawder, council agreed to let him do his job according to the current village ordinances.

Strawder asked council to reconsider a memo he received from then-Mayor Dave Flanary from June 2008 that restricted him from issuing any building permits for replacement roofing, installation or replacement siding, windows, gutter installation or replacement, and soffit installation or replacement.

Current ordinances, according to Village Solicitor Clarke Battista, state that Strawder will issue permits and inspect when necessary for any project that includes demolition, alterations, construction, remodeling, or removing.

All council members voted in favor of allowing Strawder to issue permits and inspect, with the exception of Mary Ann Miller who voted against the measure.


Learned the Second Street water line replacement is being bid. Bid openings will be noon March 22.

Heard the Fourth Street sewer line project is set to begin March 19.

Learned the paving bids are being accepted. They will be opened 3 p.m. March 15.

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March 12 Carrollton Village Council

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