The industrial cleaning company services manufacturing, power, and paper industries, to name a few

PESHTIGO -- Pressure-washing uses water, and sand-blasting uses sand.

But have you ever heard of ice blasting?

It uses dry ice and is a non-abrasive cleaning process that easily blasts away oil, grease, dirt, and dust.

Precision Iceblast Corporation of Wallace, Michigan, recently moved to Peshtigo, Wisconsin.

So why did the family-run business leave the U.P.?

There wasn't a lot of room for expansion at all, explains Matthew Peterson, who works in Project Management. You couldn't work on multiple projects. It was pretty much focused on one project and getting that done then moving on to the next one."

Sales have grown in the last few years.

But why did company officials consider Wisconsin?

The state of Wisconsin was great with tax incentives, said Keith Boye, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. They were very aggressive with trying to court us to come over here. And when we looked where in Wisconsin we wanted to go, the city of Peshtigo was also instrumental in bringing us over here."

The rest is here:
Have you ever heard of ice blasting?

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March 10, 2012 at 12:06 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Power Washing Services