The second month of 2012 is almost over already. A few days ago it was blowing snow and we received quite a few inches. Now this morning the sun is shining bright and the mercury on our thermometer is almost 40 degrees.

I will probably take advantage of the weather and wash some coats while we do laundry. I like to hang the laundry outside to dry when it is nice like this.

Another job that needs to be done again is washing the windows. With the sun shining on the windows, I can really see the dirt. The rain and blowing snow tend to leave their mark on the windows. We will see how far we get, though, as Elizabeth has to go to her job today. She enjoys the little children she cares for during the week.

Yesterday we attended church services in our district. There were a lot of women and children missing due to sickness. The benches were still filled, though, with visitors from other church districts and communities. Some of my dads cousins were there, so it was nice to get to visit with them.

Daughter Susan would like to thank you for the encouraging comments on her column last week. A friend printed the comments from the website so she could read them. She is still taking Minnie on her daily rides.

Last week daughter Elizabeth and I accomplished a lot of sewing. I sewed sons Benjamin and Joseph each a new navy jacket and pants to wear to church. They were pretty excited yesterday morning to wear their new outfits.

I sewed the outfits on my old black-colored head Singer sewing machine. My mother had one just like it and it did not often need repair.

My other sewing machine is almost 10 years old. It usually works pretty well, but it has been giving me some problems this last while. I oiled it and cleaned it, but so far cannot figure out what the problem is. I probably will end up giving our friend Terry a call to take a look at it.

Elizabeth sews on her own sewing machine, which was a Christmas gift from her friend Timothy. I would like to trade mine in sometime for one like she has. Hers is a free-armed and those are very nice to do hemming and mending.

We also were sewing pillows. Elizabeth cuts out the pieces and sews the pieces together. Then I sew the ruffles on the edges and the front and back together. Elizabeth also sews the inside pillow and stuffs it with pillow stuffing.

The rest is here:
The Amish Cook: Weather determines which chores to do

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February 29, 2012 at 12:16 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Power Washing Services