The Mission Springs Water District has three open seats this year and six candidates.(Photo: Desert Sun file photo)
Three seats on the Mission Springs Water District's five-member board of directors are up for election next month. Two will appear on the ballot andone will be automatically reseated.
Formed in 1953 to provide water to a territory covering one square mile, MSWD now serves 135 square miles around Desert Hot Springs. In June, the district approved an ordinance allowing the first election by divisions, as it and other public bodies move away from at-large elections.
Candidates fielded questions from The Desert Sun about their priorities for the upcoming term. Some answers have been edited for length and clarity.
Division 2 incumbent Randy Duncan, an insurance agent and veteran who has lived in Desert Hot Springs for more than three decades, is being challenged byLarry Przybylski, a retired technical college instructor,and Patricia Schniebs, a full-time caregiver who previously owned an art gallery and fashion boutique in Laguna Beach.
Duncan first served on the board between 2005 and 2009 and then again since 2014. He is also an alternate at the Coachella Valley Association of Governments and serves on the board of thenonprofit Urban Water Institute.
According to the county's voter guide, Przybylski has lived full-time in Desert Hot Springs for the past six years and touts his knowledge of business operations as a main reason to vote for him. "I would be honored to represent the citizens of Desert Hot Springs, as a member of the Mission Springs Water District Board of Directors, Division 2," he said in the guide, adding that it's "crucial" to maintain high water quality.
Schniebssaid her main campaign promiseis to protect against price hikes and payroll increases to the board of directors.
The Desert Sun: Where do you stand on the litigation with the Desert Water Agency over groundwater management?
Randy Duncan(Photo: Desert Sun file photo)
Duncan:I believe each agencyshould be in complete control of our respective waterand water management.I have spent over two years negotiation with (DWA board President) Joe Stuart trying to settle our dispute over water management.I would much rather talk things out with them and come to a mutual agreement and avoid any expensive legal battles.We were close to reaching an agreement, but a boundary dispute put a stop to negotiations....
Schniebs:I stand with the Water Rights Study Group. ... I strongly recommend that all voters take the time to read this publication. ...
(Editor's note: The group published a report in April 2019 after a six-week study into the issue. It recommended restoring MSWD's ability to continue managing groundwater within its service area via legislative action, taking control away from DWA's board of directors and holding a public outreach program to educate the public on the dispute. The group'sfindings are available here:
TDS: How should conservation fit into the district's mission?
Duncan:Conservation is always at the top of our list, whether we are in a drought or not.Our board and staff have developed several programs, along with state funding, to reward our customers for replacing grass with water-saving plants/landscaping, replacing older toilets and shower heads with water-saving ones and implemented tiered water rates, which encourages people to use less water.Our conservation efforts have made MSWD customers the lowest per-capita consumption users in the valley.
Schniebs:Conservation should definitely be a priority, as clean, potable water is our most essential need and human right.I believe this right extends to all life on Earth and as guardians of this planet we must assume responsibly. Children should be educated from an early age about theimportance of conservation, and I would encourage field trips and/or assemblies to encourage their interest.
I would also like to investigate other avenues we have in Desert Hot Springs to acquire water to refill our water catch locations that replenish our aquifers. The water that is currently being used to refill our water levels by the DWA is considered to be of an inferior quality.
TDS: In recent months, there have been reports of large hikes to water bills and register malfunctions. What needs to be done to ensure these and similar issues are fixed and preempted in the future?
Duncan:Since we have replaced malfunctioning meters with more sensitive and accurate meters, a lot has been discovered. ...
All of those (huge spikes) have proven to be a leak on the customer's property, and once the leak was fixed, the bill returned to normal.We are sending service representativesto homes and reviewing water meters and consumption with the customers. Several things are discovered: If the customer has a constant flow, then they typically have a leak. ... Quite often, the customers don't have a leak but rather have an irrigation system that runs for several hours instead of 10 or 15 minutes like the homeowner thought.
Our new meters aren't malfunctioning but rather are more sensitive and accurate than past units, which explains smaller spikes. Another reason for smaller jumps is that some customers have had their bill estimated for up to a year-and-a-half. ... When the new meters are installed, they pick up our customers new water usage habits, which are often not very conservative.If, for some reason, our service representatives can't find a leak or satisfy our customers' concerns, we are hiring a leak detection company to meet with the homeowners. ... We are working on a smart phone technology that will allow customers to control and review their water usage in real time.
Schniebs:Some forensics accounting is in order. Many consumers are doubting the word of the directors that are currently holding positions with MSWD. Ifvoted into office, I would plan or assist with any and all attempts to explain clearly and intelligibly what steps have been taken to get to where we are today. Consumers specifically want to know why theyre paying what theyre paying. The public deserves clear and concise answers.
TDS: What are your priorities, if elected?
Duncan:My main priorities deal with waste water as well as potable watergetting our regional treatment plant built and continuereplacing septic tanks with a complete sewer system.Also, we have won nine medals from the Berkeley Springs international water tasting event held annually in West Virginia, and I would like to continue protecting our water tables so we can continue to provide safe, clean, great-tasting water to our customers.
Schniebs:Communication efforts need to be addressed. There needs to be clear, open and honest conversation between MSWD and the public. Our ratepayers deserve it.
... I would encourage (conservation) education at an early age for all children in Desert Hot Springs as well as the entire Coachella Valley about the importance of lifes most precious resource through interactive field trips and assemblies. I want to see stable water rates and happy customers.
Przybylski:(Larry Przybylski did not respond to requests for comment.)
Incumbent Russ Martin is challenged for the Division 3 seat by Terressa Powell, whois running on a platform of addressing public service complaints and water rate increases. Powell is a doula by training and activelyvolunteers with nonprofits and other causes, including organizing a holiday toy drive.
Martin has served three terms as MSWD board president and four terms as vice president. He also currently serves on the board of directors for the Agua Caliente Water Authority, among various other positions both past and present with county and city governmental boards, business groups and nonprofit organizations. He worked for three decades with the Santa Monica Police Department before retiring to Desert Hot Springs.
"I have dedicated my life to serving my community," Martin said.
TDS: Where do you stand on the litigation with DWA?
Russ Martin(Photo: Russ Martin)
Martin:Approximately five years ago, under the provisions of new legislation, DWA applied to be designated as anexclusive groundwater sustainability agency with the state over the west end of the Coachella Valley. Unbeknownst to MSWD, their application not only included their boundary but ours, giving them groundwater management over our jurisdiction. ...
If not challenged, under certain circumstances, this would give them the authority to limit our pumping, restrict us from sinking a well and impose a building/development moratorium within our jurisdiction due to an overdraft that was hypothetically caused by their customers. This is unacceptable. I have been on the negotiating team and participated in court-mandated mediation and separate informal meetings with representatives of their board of directors. Unfortunately, these meetings were unsuccessful.
At this stage, I see no alternative but to pursue this matter in court.I am confident that we will prevail.
Powell:(Powell did not provide an answer.)
TDS:How should conservation fit into the districts mission?
Martin:Conservation has always been an MSWD priority.In the last 10 years, we have installed sewers for 2,000 homes, removing pollution-prone septic systems.An additional 2,400 homes have been approved for sewers, pending funding.
We work with schools stressing the importance of water conservation at home, providing projects that families can work on together. We team up with the city and developers promoting desert landscaping and have a turf rebate program. Soon, we will have a toilet rebate program that is designed to replace inefficient toilet bowls. We can only accomplish effective conservation by working with the community. For the most part, our efforts have been very effective in that the per-capita water consumption in our jurisdiction is lower than most of our neighbors.
Terressa Powell(Photo: Terressa Powell)
Powell:Water conservation education is important for many reasons here in Desert Hot Springs. First, it helps us all save money. It's most important because using less water at each of our homes and businesses allows water managers at DWA and MSWD to import less low-quality Colorado River water. ... The amount of salts added to our watershed must be minimized by importing less water to our recharge basin and ultimately to our Mission Creek Aquifer.
TDS: How would you address community concerns over high water bills and register malfunctions?
Martin:Due to the financial crisis caused by the pandemic, I support a rate rollback to that of January 2019. We recently experienced the perfect storm." In 2015, through a collaboration with a citizens advisory committee, we came up with a five-year rate adjustment to address increased district costs. Pursuant to law, we initiated a 218 process which requires an approval by ratepayers for a water rate increase. The measure passed overwhelmingly.
Approximately, two years ago we started noticing the meters were malfunctioning. During meter replacement, water usage was estimatedto an average consumer use from the preceding year, minus 3%. ...When the new meters were installed, water bills reflected actual use rather than estimated, resulting in a jump from estimated to actual.
Then the pandemic hit. Many people were forced to remain at home with kids not in school and weve had 140 days of record-breaking, triple-digit heat, all of which resulted in even more water consumption. The new meters are accurate. Those customers who have experienced significantly high water bills, have leaks verified by independent leak contractors. In the future I will oppose long range multi-year rate adjustments.
Powell:Far too many customer have experienced wildly high spikes in their water bills only to be told they have a water leak. Many customers have found no leaks, even after calling in a professional leak detection company. Where leaks have been found, the leak is to small to be responsible for the high water bill spike.
... The "guessing"/"estimating" needs to end. The customers deserve true and accurate billing. ... Customers are receiving a water bill that is hundreds of dollars higher than their most recent bill. MSWD needs to stop guessing at the expense of residents and fix this problem. It's MSWD's problem.
TDS:What would be your priorities, if elected?
Martin:My first priority is the completion of the new MSWD Water Treatment Facility in the early stages of construction. This project is necessary to accommodate future development in the Desert Hot Springs area. Next, obtaining funding for sewer installation to the 2,400 homes already approved for sewers. And last, successful outcome in our litigation with DWA. It is important for all of us to work together in cooperation to effectively manage our most important resource: water.
Powell:Any customer experiencing a water bill spike that is hundreds of dollars higher than their prior bill should have their bill frozen at the prior most recent month's rate while an investigation into the true cause is made. MSWD should provide leak detection services, at its own expense, to determine if a leak actually exists and if the size of the leak matches the amount of consumption being claimed. ... If a leak is detected that is responsible for a very high bill, MSWD should offer customers the option to have the leak repaired and the amount of the repairs spread out of two years of future water bills.
An independent company one not selected by MSWD should be hired to determine and report on the cause of the new unusually high water customer billings. ... Salaries of top management are excessive, especially for a very small water district like MSWD. ... Legal bills have also been wildly excessive. An organization with very high legal bills has a management problem, not a legal one. ...
If there is not a change on the Board of Directors, the problems at MSWD will not be fixed and instead will continue to be blamed on the water customers.I could not sit by and let that happen without being challenged.I'm running for the District 3 Board seat to ensure the water customers get representation for a change, one in their favor.
Ivan Sewell is running unopposed and will retain his seat without appearing on the ballot.He was born and raised in Desert Hot Springs and owns TOP Shop, a printing and graphic design business, with his wife. He has served on the board since 2017 and is also a commissioner with the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.
Ivan Sewell(Photo: Ivan Sewell)
TDS: Where do you stand on the litigation with DWA?
Sewell:... I was in favor of trying to come to an agreement through mediation. We have attempted to find a solution that would work for both parties twice now and have not been able to come to an agreement. The management of our groundwater is something we have been overseeing since the beginnings of MSWD.
I believe control of our own groundwater is something our community deserves and should demand. Prior to DWA electing themselves the groundwater sustainability agency over MSWD territory, multiple meeting attempts were made by both MSWD and the city of Desert Hot Springs. DWA declined and elected itself the GSA. That action is what initiated the litigation and I believe was the only correct course of action for MSWD. It is odd that DWA is so set on managing the groundwater outside of their retail water service area, most of which is in an entirely different aquifer. Our community deserves to have complete control over the groundwater within our district boundaries. Our water will determine the future growth and prosperity of our community.
TDS: How does conservation fit with MSWD's mission?
Sewell:Education is critical to understand how to preserve and protect our water. Our population is growing and our water is becoming more precious. The state of California has set upcoming per-capita water use goals that are going to be difficult to reach.
Currently, we are working on a turf rebate program to lessen outdoor usage. We promote the use of high efficiency appliances and fixtures to lessen water use inside the home. In addition our Waterwise program in partnership with our local schools teaches students the importance of conservation through hands on activities. The students are given various assignments to complete both in class and at home, often with parents' participation. Each student is also sent home with various tools such as high efficiency shower heads and hose nozzles. Education will improve conservation both now and in the future.
TDS: How will you address reports of hikes to water bills?
Sewell:First and foremost I apologize for any issues and added stress that any of our families have experienced here in our district. If you or anyone you know is having problems or issues with your bill please call us immediately at 760.329.6448. Each property is different and speaking one-on-one with our service team is the best course to find the root of the problem. If you are not satisfied please contact me directly at
MSWDs previous meter manufacturer provided us with meters that failed prior to their typical lifespan. Approximately one-third of our previous meters registers failed. This failure was out of our control and our board reacted promptly. We researched and approved new meters that are produced by a different manufacturer. These new meters can be read three different ways, this redundancy will eliminate issues in the future. We are also working on a new customer portal using the new technology that will allow MSWD and our customers to see real-time water usage. This will help our community better understand and manage their water use.
TDS: What would be your priority to address this term?
Sewell:My number one priority is our customers. I will guarantee that they are provided a safe, reliable water supply for years to come. I will push for continued rate studies to make sure our rates are as low as possible. I will focus on additional grant funding to complete our Groundwater Protection Program. I will see the completion of our Regional Water Management Facility, which will protect and replenish our water supply. I will continue to be honest and respectful in all of my duties. I am determined on making the best decisions for our customers and the future of our community.
Mark Olalde covers the environment for The Desert Sun. Get in touch at, and follow him on Twitter at @MarkOlalde.
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