Most people know the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in public, but what about within our homes?

People can do several things in addition to cleaning high-touch surfaces to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, or any infectious disease, among family members who live together.

Because COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through respiratory droplets from someone who is infected, staying home curbs the spread. But staying home also makes it extra important that our homes are a healthy place to spend so much time, said LSU AgCenter housing specialist Claudette Reichel.

In addition, we are still learning how this virus spreads, including the potential for it to be aerosolized, where it may linger and circulate in the air inside homes and buildings, she said.

Maintaining good indoor air quality in homes is always important to prevent health hazards and to optimize the bodys immune system, along with other healthy living practices like good nutrition, sleep and exercise.

People can take extra measures in their homes to help protect their families from transmitting the coronavirus and other airborne infectious diseases to each other in addition to hand-washing and cleaning guidelines.

Home risk reduction strategies when no one is ill include:

Increase ventilation of fresh air into the home to dilute airborne germs and pollutants.

Upgrade to a MERV 13-rated air filter in the heating/cooling system. That efficiency level can capture virus-carrying sneeze droplets. Higher ratings are more efficient but may overly restrict the air flow and cause problems, so consult an HVAC professional if you want to upgrade further.

Prevent very low relative humidity below 30 percent, which can make people more susceptible to respiratory infection. This is rarely an issue in warm, humid Louisiana climate, but it can happen during cold winter weather when the heating system is running.

As an added precaution, close the toilet lid before flushing to reduce exposure to any germs released into the air by the turbulence, and run the bathroom exhaust fan during and for a few minutes after flushing.

When someone in the household is sick or quarantined:

Isolate the affected person in one room.

Exhaust air from that room to the outdoors to keep the isolation rooms air from circulating to other parts of the house. This can be done with a small window fan on low speed blowing to the outside.

Avoid sharing a bathroom. If thats not possible, run an exhaust fan continuously. CLICK HERE to find CDC cleaning and disinfecting guidelines online.

Close off or cover the central air vents in the isolation room if there is another way to control temperature. Provide a window air conditioner or a room space heater for that room as needed for comfort. In mild weather, open windows.

Use a room air cleaner in the isolation room. CLICK HERE to consult the online EPA Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home.

Continue the strategies for when no one is sick in the rest of the house occupied by healthy household members.

When no one is ill but the household includes a person at high risk:

Isolate the high-risk person in a separate room and bathroom if possible. Keep the door closed. This is to protect the at-risk person in case another household member has the virus without symptoms.

Use a window fan to ventilate the room with outdoor air blowing from outside to inside.

Close or cover the central air vents into the room and provide a room air conditioner or space heater as needed.

Use a room air cleaner in the isolation room.

Healthy indoor air quality tips for all homes:

Pollutant source control is top of the list. Never allow smoking indoors, dont burn candles and always use the range hood when cooking. Buy and use only low VOC cleaners and household products (read labels). Avoid overuse of disinfectants, such as bleach, which produce unhealthy fumes. Do not rely on air filters or air cleaners as a substitute for pollutant source control.

Try to maintain 40-60 percent indoor relative humidity for optimal health and comfort.

Make sure all drain traps have water in them to prevent sewer gas in the home.

Clean and capture dust with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner or damp-wipe methods.

Clean high-touch surfaces often, especially door handles, light switches and countertops.

If the home was built before 1978, assume it could have lead-based paint and asbestos-containing materials. Home repair and renovation projects that disturb paint or asbestos materials can create a serious hazard. Hire only EPA Lead-safe Renovators to do work on the home.

When choosing new door, cabinet and faucet handles, consider brass. Uncoated copper and its alloys, as well as silver, can have anti-microbial effects. Although more research is needed, a recent study by the National Institutes of Health and CDC reported that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, remained viable for up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel surfaces versus up to four hours on copper.

These extra measures to reduce risk of COVID-19 are based largely upon recommendations of Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory indoor air quality scientists. For more science-based information and resources on how to create a healthy, energy-efficient and resilient home, visit the LaHouse Resource Center online at and at YouTube and Facebook.

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See the original post:
Practical steps that will help keep your home COVID-19 free - Magnoliareporter

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Category: Heating and Cooling Repair