BI/20/00223/FU; Harbour House, 22 Greenacres.

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling, detached garage with annexe accommodation, swimming pool, boat house and workshop - (variation of condition 2 of planning permission 19/01408/FUL - Variation to the house, boat house and garage / annexe.)

BI/20/00249/DOM: Homewater, 24 Greenacres. Proposed New Single Storey Detached Private Storage and Hobby Workshop, including permeable access drive.

BO/20/00198/ADV: 1, High Street. 2 no. externally illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. externally illuminated hanging signs.

CC/19/03175/FUL: Land Adjacent To Archery Range, College Lane. Modifications (addition of exterior cladding and paint green to match adjacent buildings) of existing temporary storage unit for perminant storage use.

CC/20/00251/TCA: 26, York Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Norway Maple tree (marked on plan as T1).

CC/20/00280/TCA: Spread Eagle House, 5 North Pallant. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 2m (to previous cuts), crown thin by 15% and lift crown by up to 10% on 1 no. Copper Beech tree.

CC/20/00287/DOM: 47, St Pauls Road. 1 no. dormer window.

CC/20/00303/TCA: 19, Chapel Street. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 2m (all round) on 1 no. Pittosporum tree.

CC/20/00307/LBC: William M Mercer Limited, Westgate House, 52 Westgate. Repairs to existing window and door timber joinery including the removal of rotten sections of timber and replacement with matching timber on a like for like basis.

CC/20/00341/TPA: 33, Walnut Avenue. Crown reduce by 25% (all round) on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) subject to CC/59/00147/TPO.

CC/20/00321/TCA: 209, Whyke Road. Notification of intention to fell 6 no. Beech trees (marked on plan as T3, T5, T8, T13, T16 & T19), reduce height (back to previous points) and reduce widths by 2m (East and West Sectors) on 15 no. Beech trees (marked on plan as T1, T2, T4, T6, T7, T9, T10, T11, T12, T14, T15, T17, T18, T20 & T21).

D/20/00248/DOM: 10, Selsey Road. Two-storey side extension to replace existing single storey side extension.

East Wittering And Bracklesham

EWB/20/00152/FUL: The Croft, East Bracklesham Drive. Demolition and replacement bungalow and outbuildings.

EWB/20/00312/DOM: Waverney Cottage, 38 Coney Six. Replacement single storey rear extension with revised balcony over.

FB/20/00219/LBC: The Old Thatched House, Mill Lane. Repairs and alterations (as necessary to restore the property to achieve a habitable status) to include minor repairs to thatched roof, repairs to chimney and external masonry and general consolidation of internal walls, ceiling and floors with the reinstatement of a kitchen and bathroom.

KD/20/00179/DOM: Ganders Gate Farmhouse, Glasshouse Lane. Increase in ridge height of existing northern single storey element. Provision of two new dormers. New site entrance.

NM/20/00206/FUL: Unit 4 Vinnetrow Business Centre,Vinnetrow Road. Retrospective application for change of use from B1 (office) to a flexible B1 (office) and D2 (gymnasium).

O/20/00236/FUL: Westbourne House School, Coach Road (South), Shopwhyke. Extension to the existing millennium hall and music department buildings to create a unified performing arts building.

SB/19/03138/DOM: 90, Stein Road. Replace flat roof of existing extension with new pitched roof.

SB/20/00122/FUL: Downings, Prinsted Lane. Demolition of existing dwelling house and replacement with 2 no. detached houses and associated works (resubmission of permitted 19/01225/FUL).

SI/20/00155/TCA: The Vicarage, Church Farm Lane. Notication of intention to fell 3 no. Leyland Cypress trees (marked on plan as T1, T2 & T3). Crown reduce height and widths by up to 2m and crown lift to 2.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Yew tree (marked on plan as T4).

SI/20/00311/DOM: Holmwood, Selsey Road. Single storey rear extension.

TG/20/00195/DOM: 1, Caedwalla Drive. Two storey side extension with the addition of Dormer to rear roof face, internal alterations to create a family annexe. New Car port to rear garden.

TG/20/00252/TPA: 18, Middleton Gardens. Re-pollard (back to previous points) on 1 no Lime tree (marked on plan as T1, TPOd as T27) subject to TG/91/01021/TPO.

WR/20/00241/TCA: Stills, Billingshurst Road. Notification of intention to reduce height by 4m and width by up to 3m (all round) on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1)

WR/20/00246/DOM: 1 Clock House, Billingshurst Road. Single storey side extension.

WR/20/00247/LBC: 1 Clock House, Billingshurst Road. Single storey side extension.

WW/20/00143/FUL: Merrow And Little Rawdon, East Strand. Installation of tennis court with 2.75 metre high fence.

WW/20/00149/TCA: Elmstead West Wing, Elms Lane.

Notification of intention to crown reduce by 1m (to old pruning point) on 1 no. Bay tree (Bay 1), crown reduce by approx. 1m (to old pruning point) on 1 no. Bay tree (Bay 2), prune back by up to 2m (to previous knuckles) on 1 no. Magnolia tree and reduce 1 no. limb by approx. 2m and 1 no. limb by up to 1m on south west sector on 1 no. Wisteria tree.

WW/20/00205/DOM: Taransay,18 Marine Close. Remodelling of chalet bungalow to include changing roof and fenestration. Existing flat roof to become balcony with access from garden.

SDNP/20/00225/FUL: Old Coach House, London Road, Hill Brow. Construction of a replacement dwellinghouse following the demolition of the existing dwellinghouse approved in accordance with planning reference SDNP/17/00659/FUL, rationalisation (demolition) of ancillary outbuildings and associated works

SDNP/20/00489/HOUS: Rose Cottage , Bignor Road. Rebuilding of single storey extension to west elevation on slightly enlarged footprint.Internal and external alterations. Installation of French window to garden and new front door.

SDNP/20/00490/LIS: Rose Cottage , Bignor Road. Rebuilding of single storey extension to west elevation on slightly enlarged footprint.Internal and external alterations. Installation of French window to garden and new front door.

SDNP/20/00404/TCA: Hatchets, West Burton Road. Notification of intention to reduce ascending stems and branches up to 2m on 1 no. Plum tree (marked on plan as 1) and fell 1 no. Indian Bean tree (marked on plan as 2).

SDNP/20/00360/HOUS: Corner House , The Street. Relocation of front entrance door in place of the front sash window. Single storey extension on the west elevation and two storey extension on the east elevation.

SDNP/20/00361/HOUS: Corner House , The Street. Relocation of front entrance door in place of front sash window. Single storey extension on west elevation and two storey extension on east elevation.

SDNP/20/00071/HOUS: Beech Cottage , Beechwood Lane. Single storey timber extension.

SDNP/20/00072/LIS: Beech Cottage , Beechwood Lane. Single storey timber extension.

SDNP/20/00275/LDP; 4, The Cylinders. Single storey rear extension, change of loft space to habitable accommodation with rooflights.

SDNP/19/05860/HOUS: The Orchard , Wakestone Lane. Erection of replacement lean-to addition to side elevation.

SDNP/19/05861/LIS: The Orchard , Wakestone Lane. Erection of replacement lean-to addition to side elevation.

SDNP/20/00295/TCA: Orchard House , Lower Street. Notification of intention to reduce crown by 1.4m (South, East and North sectors), reduce crown by 6m (West sector) and remove 2 no. lowest branches (West sector) on 1 no. Oak tree (T1). Fell 1 no. Beech tree (T2).

SDNP/20/00263/TCA: Christmas Cottage, Sandy Lane. Notification of intention to crown lift to 4m (above ground level) on 1 no. Beech tree (T1).

SDNP/20/00354/CND: Empire Hall , The Street. Removal of 2 no. existing storage sheds and replace with 1 no. new single storey storage building to the north-east corner of the site. Amendment to existing side access track with grasscrete system along the southern boundary leading to new storage building for loading purposes - (Variation of condition 1 of planning permission SDNP/18/06390/FUL - Changes to the permitted development in accordance with the revised plans listed in the application and to regularise the alterations to the altered building form.)

SDNP/20/00416/LDP: Summer Cottage , The Street. Alteration of existing fenestration to south elevation ground and first floor level, and installation of Juliet balcony.

SDNP/20/00569/OHL: Land Off New Lane, South Harting. Erection of 2 no. poles and 1 no. stay for the purposes of distributing electricity.

SDNP/20/00093/LIS: The Old Cottage, North Lane. Replace tiles on rear section of roof. Additional 2 or 3 cut and pitch rafters to be installed close to one or either side of original.

SDNP/20/00200/TPO: Land North of Brightwells Cottage, North Lane. Re-pollard back to previous points on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T1), subject to HT/80/00559/TPO.

SDNP/20/00070/FUL: Bensons Yard, Iron Hill Farm, Hollycombe Lane. Construction of storage building.

SDNP/20/00488/TCA: Greengate Farm, High Hamstead Lane. Notification of intention to fell 2 no. Horse Chestnut trees (T1 and T2).

SDNP/19/06132/HOUS: 45 Elmleigh, Midhurst. Rebuild garage in forward position. Single storey side and front extension. New roof design over existing structure .Widened driveway.

SDNP/20/00437/TCA: Flat 2 Garden House, North Street. Notification of intention to reduce height by up to 3m and widths by up to 2m on 1 no. Willow tree (marked on plan as T1). Fell 1 no. Laurel tree (marked on plan as T2).

SDNP/20/00438/TPO: 81 Poplar Way, Midhurst. Reduce height by upto 3m and widths by upto 1.5m on 1 no. Silver Birch tree (T1). Reduce height by 2m and widths by upto 1.5m on 1 no. Norway Maple tree (T2), both tree within Woodland, W1 subject to MI/ 82/01100/TPO.

SDNP/20/00039/HOUS: 9 Hampers Green. Two storey extension. Re-application for SDNP/19/02071/HOUS.

SDNP/20/00064/HOUS: Ricketts Cottage , High Street. Proposed 1 no. porch, 1 no. gate, replacement staircase to first floor and cellar. Brick up 1 no. door and 1 no. kitchen window. Internal alterations to kitchen and bedroom.

SDNP/20/00065/LIS: Ricketts Cottage , High Street. Proposed 1 no. porch, 1 no. gate, replacement staircase to first floor and cellar. Brick up 1 no. door and 1 no. kitchen window. Internal alterations to kitchen and bedroom.

SDNP/20/00048/FUL: The Oak Apple Trading Co , Golden Square. Repaint shop front. Proposed advertisement for 2 no. non-illuminated fascia sign and 1 no. non-illuminated projecting/hanging sign.

SDNP/20/00049/ADV: The Oak Apple Trading Co, Golden Square. 2 no. non-illuminated fascia sign and 1 no. non-illuminated projecting/hanging sign.

SDNP/20/00234/LDE: The Carriage House , Minsted Lane. Existing lawful development certificate for addition of first floor, insertion of first floor window and use of outbuilding for ancillary domestic purposes in breach of conditions 6 and 9 attached to planning permission SJ/07/02094/FUL.

SDNP/20/00358/HOUS: Bucks Cottage , Westlands Copse Lane. Proposed detached garage and stores.

SDNP/19/05503/HOUS: Droke Cottage East, 555B Droke Lane. Rear two storey extension, remove front dormer and add velux rooflight. Demolish rear flat roof extension. Remove front part of garage/outbuilding to improve parking in front of garage.

SDNP/19/05504/HOUS: Droke Cottage West, 555A Droke Lane. Rear two storey extension, remove front dormer and add velux rooflight. Demolish rear flat roof extension. Remove front part of garage/outbuilding to improve parking in front of garage.

Read more:
Planning applications submitted to Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority - Chichester Observer

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February 14, 2020 at 9:45 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement