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He read the sign at Kum & Go on East Chestnut Expressway and had to ask: Is Cincinnati "local"?(Photo: Steve Pokin/News-Leader)

Steve Drewry of Springfield was pumping gas at the Kum & Go at 2885 E. Chestnut Expressway when he spotted a sign on one of the pillars that hold up the canopy over the pumps.

It says:

"Local Concrete:The concrete mix for thesite paving, building floor slab and foundation walls were manufacturedand contain raw materials from within 500 miles of this building site. Use of local materials lowers costs associated with transportation like fuel and air pollutants, and supports local economies."

This is the sign that got Steve Drewry thinking. What does "local" really mean?(Photo: Steve Pokin/News-Leader)

According to Steve, "How many people would consider 500 miles from Springfield as being local? To me, I think I consider most anything that is in the Ozarks as being local to us?"

I checked how far the following cities are from Springfield:

In August, I drove to Jackson, Mississippi. Believe me, it is not "local."

Do you reallythink you would behelping the Springfield, Missouri, tax base by purchasing concrete mix in Jackson, Mississippi?

I don't know why Kum & Go chose to define "within 500 miles" as local.

I called the company's corporate spokeswoman Friday afternoon and left a message but did not hear back by deadline.

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But I'm guessing, Steve, you probably did not look at the five other pillars at the station. After all, you would have no reason to do so.

I drove there and went to the first sign I saw; it was not the one about "local concrete."

Each pillar has its own, different sign that details the different environmentally friendly measures taken to build this Kum & Go two years ago.

For example, one of the other signs says:

"Water Efficiency: The lavatory, toilet and urinal fixtures of this store use at least 20 percent less water than conventional fixtures, saving thousands of gallons of water per year. Water conservation reduces the need for municipal water treated (sic) and processing, and reduces potable water use for sewage conveyance."

This makes more sense to me than buying your concrete mix in Mississippi to help the tax base here.

In writing a story, I'm always looking for ways to trim words.

If Moses were a reporter for the Mt. Sinai Times, he would have descended with the Ten Commandments only to be told by an editor: "Gimme your best three!"

In other words, if there were five pillars at this Kum & Go and not six the sign you informed me about would have not survived the editing process.

I should also mention to readers something else you pointed out to me, Steve, the irony of six signs touting environmentally friendly ways to construct a building where you can fill up your car with a fossil fuel.

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Nevertheless, I will conclude with a tip of the nozzle toKum & Go for its efforts to be green or as green as possible. Here are what the remaining four signs say:

"Low-Emitting Paint:The paints and coating used in this store contain little to no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which improves our indoor air quality. Conventional products with VOGs have a strong smell, can irritate the eyes and skin, and cause health problems with prolonged exposure."

"Heating & Cooling:The heating and air conditioning systems at this store have a high Energy Efficiency Rating. The system has direct digital control (DDC) that optimizes energy efficiency and a high-level filtration system that maintains excellent indoor air quality for customers and employees."

"LED Lighting:The light fixturesfor this gas canopy and parking lot are highly-efficient LED (light-emitting diode). LEDs give off little heat, and the light is focused. Conventional light fixtures waste electricity in theform of heat and light-loss."

"Reflective Roof:Our flat roof for this store is covered with a white rubber finish that reflects the sun's heat. This decreases heat transfer, reducing the energy needed to cool the building."

There you go.

Now, Steve,I think you and Ishould get together for some "local" lunch.

Feel like somecashew chicken? I hear we can find it in Springfield.

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These are the views of News-Leader columnist Steve Pokin, who has been at the paper seven years, and overhis career has coveredeverythingfrom courts and cops to features and fitness. He can be reached at 417-836-1253,, on Twitter @stevepokinNL or by mail at 651 Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65806.

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Pokin Around: Since when does 'within 500 miles' mean the same thing as 'local'? - News-Leader

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