After two weeks bearing no changes, Wizards of the Coast has finally made the decision to ban more cards from the Pioneer format ofMagic: The Gathering. The three cards banned from Pioneer as of yesterday are Once Upon A Time, Field of the Dead, and Smugglers Copter.

Wizards of the Coast had exactly this to say on the subject:

Over the last several days, a series of Pioneer PTQ tournaments were held as a part ofMagic Onlines Pioneer week. The results of these tournaments, and data from league play, show how the environment has evolved under further competitive pressure.

While the results look promising and changes so far have been moving the format in a good direction, our data shows three outstanding issues that are preventing the metagame from arriving at a better balance. These are:

As a result, were choosing to banSmugglers Copter,Field of the Dead, andOnce Upon a Timein Pioneer. We believe that these changes will result in greater diversity among aggressive decks, a clearer role in the metagame for reactive and controlling decks, and a push toward better color balance among competitive decks.

While its a surprise that some other standout cards such as Oko, Thief of Crowns (a common complaint!), Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, or Nissa, Who Shakes The World havent been called out, its still great that Wizards has taken the initiative to remove some troublesome cards in a nondiverse meta from the format.

What do you think should also be banned from the Pioneer format? IsMagic: The Gathering a healthier game without some of the newer overpowered cards released recently? Let us know in the comments!

Read more:
Wizards of the Coast Bans More in Pioneer - "Magic: The Gathering - Bleeding Cool News

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December 5, 2019 at 3:55 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks