PLAINFIELD, NJ - Applicant 1014 South Avenue, LLC will be back in front of Plainfield's Zoning Board on Wednesday, Dec. 4 to discuss the construction of two multi-family mixed-use structures at South and Woodland avenues, according to a published legal notice. The plans require a number of variances.

The applicant first met with board members in April, and unveiled details about its development project consisting of two sites near the Netherwood train station. According to the current legal notice, there will be a total of 44 dwelling units, and 50 parking spaces.

The larger building will face South Ave. It will contain 1,800-square-feet of retail space on the ground level, an enclosed parking garage on the ground level, 42 residential apartments (34 one-bedroom; 8 two-bedroom), and rooftop amenities. There will be 48 on-site parking spaces, 12 located in the parking garage, and 36 spaces in the surface parking lot.

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The retail component will face South Ave. and no dwelling units are proposed for the first floor. The apartments will be on the second through fifth floors:

The smaller adjacent building will be a 2.5-story structure that would face Woodland Ave., and include two residential apartment units and 800-square-feet of office space. Two parking spaces will be available.

Adrian Melia, an architect from Minervini Vandermark Melia Kelly, commented at the April meeting, saying the design is based on a live/work model that encourages a professional living and working in the same vicinity. He added that the intent of the style is to replicate a colonial style house that is prevalent throughout Plainfield.

RELATED: Plainfield ZBA Applicant Unveils Details About South Ave Project NearNetherwood Train Station

RELATED: Plainfield Zoning Board to Hear from Applicant for Mixed-Use Project atSouth and Woodland

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The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4 in the library at City Hall, 515 Watchung Ave. at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to speak.

Read the full legal notice:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF PLAINFIELD ZONING BOARD OFADJUSTMENTPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at7:00 PMin the City Hall Library Meeting Room (1st floor), 515 WatchungAvenue, Plainfield, New Jersey, the Zoning Board of Adjustment of theCity of Plainfield will hold aPUBLIC HEARING on the Applicationsubmitted by the Applicant, 1014 South Avenue, LLC (the "Applicant"),for the properties located at 1008-1014 South Avenue and511-517Woodland Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey and designated as Block 622,Lots 2 and 17 on the Tax Maps of the City of Plainfield (collectivelyreferenced as the"Property" or the "Site").

Lot 2 is situated withinthe Transit Oriented Development - Netherwood ("TODN") / TrainsideCommercial ("TSC") Zoning District and is owned by Dominic B. andShirley Ann Fontana. Lot 2 is currently improved with a 2 1/2 story,1-family dwelling and associated garage structures.

Lot 17 is situatedwithin the TODN / Professional Office 2 ("PO-2") Zoning District and isowned by Raffaela Zarra. Lot 17 is currently improved with a 2 1/2story, 2-family dwelling and associated masonry garage structure. TheApplicant proposes to demolish the existing improvements on Lot 2 tomake way for the construction of a 5-story, mixed-use (commercial andmulti-family residential) building, which will face South Avenue. Theproposed mixed-use building will contain 1,800 square feet of retailspace on the first floor, 42 apartment dwelling units on the secondthrough fifth floors (First Floor: no dwelling units proposed; SecondFloor: 10 units (8 1-bedroom, 2 2-bedroom); Third Floor: 11 units (81-bedroom, 3 2-bedroom); Fourth Floor: 11 units (8 1-bedroom, 32-bedroom); Fifth Floor: 10 units (10 1-bedroom)), building amenitiesand a total of 48 on-site parking spaces (12-space parking garage and a36-space surface parking lot).

The existing 2-family dwelling on Lot 17,which faces Woodland Avenue, will be retained and renovated by theApplicant and will consist of 2 dwelling units. Lot 17 willprovide 2on-site parking spaces.

A total of 44 dwelling units are proposed on theSite. A total of 50 parking spaces are proposed on the Site. As part ofthe Application, theApplicant also seeks an easement for the benefitof Lot 2 across Lot 17 to provide fire department access to Lot 2. TheApplication requires the following Preliminary andFinal Site Plan, D(5)Density Variance, Bulk Variances, Parking Variances, LandscapeVariances, Variances for Buffering, Sign Variances and Design Waiversapprovals: Site Plan:Demolition of the existing improvements on Lot 2and the construction of a 5-story, mixed use building as describedabove. Renovation of the existing 2-family dwelling onLot 17 asdescribed above; D(5) Density Variance: Maximum of 40 units per acre arepermitted in the TODN / TSC Zone and a density of 45.6 units per acreis proposedon Lot 2.; Bulk Variances: Lot 2 -TODN / TSC Zone: MinimumRear Yard Setback: 75 feet required, 35 feet proposed; Maximum Number ofBuilding Stories: 4 storiespermitted, 5 stories proposed; Lot 17TODN/ P0-2 Zone: Minimum Lot Width: 80 feet required, 75.16 feet existingand proposed; Minimum Lot Frontage: 80 feet required,75.16 feetexisting and proposed; Maximum Percent Total Lot Coverage, 40%permitted, 65.04% proposed; Rear Setback and Side Setback for AccessoryUse, 3 feetrequired, 1.45 feet existing and proposed at rear yard and1.85 feet existing and proposed at side yard. Further, the Applicantrequests the following variances, Section 17:9-49C

(Shade Trees): Shadetrees required at 40 feet intervals 3.5 feet inside sidewalk, 3 requiredalong Woodland Ave and 4 required along South Avenue, existing sidewalkonWoodland Avenue not appropriate for shade trees, 2 proposed alongSouth avenue; Section 17-9:24B

(Buffers): 5 feet required betweenresidential uses, 3 feet proposed; Section 17:9-24C

(Buffers): 5 footbuffer required around all sides of parking lot, buffer to be 10 feetwhen adjacent to residential use, 8 feet proposed buffer to adjacentresidential use;Section 17:9-42D

(Parking Space): Minimum setbacks forbuilding from driveways and parking areas within the site shall be 5feet, 0 feet setback to proposed fire lane; Section 17:9-42A

(Driveway):Lot 2 no non-residential driveway within 10 feet of residential use,proposed emergency driveway is 3 feet from adjacent property line, Lot17 no residentialdriveway shall be less than 2 feet from property line,0 feet existing and proposed; Section 17:9-43B Parking Lot Landscaping:5% of interior area of parking lot shall beprovided with plantingislands and 1 deciduous tree for every five spaces, 10 trees required,condition not met; Section 17:9-43B2

(Parking Lot Landscaping): No morethan eight parking spaces shall be in one row of parking without anintervening landscape island, this condition is not met;Section17:9-52B6: All ground floors of mixed-use buildings in the TODN /TSC Zone shall have 50% of the rear first floor area consist ofprivate, indoor building amenities andcommon space for residents,parking is provided at rear of the proposed first floor; Section 17:9-51

(Signs): One wall sign per business permitted, three proposed; DesignWaivers from the following requirements: Section 17:11-13C

(LoadingAreas), Loading areas shall measure at least 10 feet wide by 45 feetlong, proposed is 17 feet 8 inches wide by 28 feet long; Section17:11-7B

(Massing): Projections and recesses required for building wallgreater than 50 feet in length, this standard is not met; Section17:11-8

(Architectural Design): no more than 75% of total of number ofdwelling units to have same number of bedrooms, 81% one bedroomproposed; Section 17:11-8

(Architectural Design): Each unit to have 350square feet of storage space, this requirement is not met; Section17:11-27A2

(Open Space): 64 square feet for each dwelling unit totaling2,688, no open space proposed; Section 17:11-28

(Streetscape DesignStandards), The public-right-of way frontage of all properties withinthe TODN Zones shall be improved in accordance with the StreetscapeDesignManual. Proposed improvements on South Avenue are consistent withthe Streetscape Design Manual but the Woodland portion of the Propertydoes not have therequired width to comply; Section 17:11-11

(Landscaping): Landscape plan to be submitted by a New Jersey certifiedLandscape Architect, this condition is not met; and for such othervariances, relief, deviationsand/or waivers that may be required uponan analysis of the plans and testimony at the PUBLIC HEARING on theApplication submitted by the Applicant, 1014 SouthAvenue, LLC.

Whenthe case is called you may appear either in person or by agent orattorney and present any objections which you may have to the grantingof this Application. A copyof the Application materials and plans areon file and available for PUBLIC INSPECTION at the Division of PlanningOffice located at 515 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, NewJersey 07060,during that Office's normal business hours.STEPHEN F. HEHL, ESQ.Attorney for the Applicant($100.62)

Read more:
Applicant with Project at South and Woodland Avenues Back on Tap for Plainfield Zoning Board -

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