When is Review Required?

Demolition permit applications for non-designated buildings over 50 years old requires review and approval by the Historic Preservation program. The intent of the demolition review process is to prevent the loss of buildings that may have historic or architectural significance and to provide the time necessary to consider alternatives to demolition.

The fee for the review is based on the age of the building. Once approved, submit the demolition permit application to a Project Specialist.

For the purposes of reviewing applications, Section 9-16 Definitions, B.R.C., 1981defines"Demolition (Historic)" asan act or process that removes:

50 percent or more of the exterior walls of a building as measured contiguously around the building coverage; or

50 percent or more of the roof areas as measured in plan view; or

any exterior wall facing a public street, but not an act or process that removes an exterior wall facing an alley.

Approximately $282 for primary buildings built before or during 1939.

Approximately $51 for primary buildings built between 1940 and 1968(50 years) and accessory buildingsover 50 years in age.

If the building is determined to bepotentially eligiblefor landmark designation, the application is referred to the full Landmarks Board for review.An additional fee of approximately $1,504 is required.

Initial Review: Staff or the Ldrc determines whether there is probable cause to believe the building may be eligible for landmark designation.

Landmarks Board Review: The criteria for the Landmarks Boards review of a demolition permit is found in 9-11-23(f) B.R.C. 1981:

When considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect.

The Landmarks Board may 1) issue the demolition permit, 2) place a stay of up to 180 days to explore alternatives to demolition or 3) Initiate landmark designation.

The historic preservation signature is valid for 180 days and cannot be extended. If the application isnt finalized within this period, a new demolition permit application is required.

See the rest here:
Demolition Permit Review - Historic Preservation

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August 31, 2018 at 8:47 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition