Times Telegram

UTICA The New York State Department of Transportation has issued travel advisories for area counties for the week of Aug. 7.


Town of Frankfort: Route 171 between Gulf Road and East Main Street. Motorists will encounter a road closure with a detour in place due to rock wall repair. The detour will be East Main Street to Cemetery Street/Higby Road to Albany Road to Gulf Road.

Village of Middleville: Route 28 over Maltanner Creek between Route 29 and Park Avenue. Motorists will encounter north and south one-way alternating traffic with a temporary signal for bridge reconstruction.

Town of Stark: Route 168 bridge over Otsquago Creek between Route 80 and Hoke Road. Motorists will encounter a road closure with a detour in place for bridge work. The detour will be Route 168 to Route 167 to Route 20 to Route 80.

Town of Schuyler: Route 5 between Elmwood Road and West German Street in Herkimer. Motorists will encounter one way alternating traffic with flaggers in place due to culvert repairs.


Town of Fonda and town of Amsterdam: Route 5 at Stoner Trail Road in the area of Tribes Hill. Motorists may encounter shoulder closures due to the installation of conduit and signal equipment.

Village of Canajoharie: Route 10 between Old Route 10 and Cliff Street. Motorists will encounter a full road closure with a signed detour in place due to culvert replacement.

City of Amsterdam: Route 30 northbound at Main Street. Motorists will encounter a left turn lane closure due to water valves being installed.


Town of Salisbury and town of Caroga: Route 29A between Cemetery Road and Route 10. Motorists will encounter one way alternating traffic with flaggers in place due to guiderail work.

Town of Gloversville: Route 30A between North Comrie Avenue and Harrison Street. Motorists will encounter intermittent shoulder closures in both directions due to culvert repairs.

Town of Perth: Route 30 between Voorhees Road and County Route 106. Motorists will encounter a lane shift with flaggers in place due to culvert repairs.

Town of Fonda to city of Johnstown: Route 30A between West Main Street and South Kingsboro Avenue. Motorists will encounter a lane shift with flaggers in place due to guiderail repairs.


Utica North-South Arterial Project: Motorists can expect to see lane closures on Oriskany Street as work continues on center median prepping and pouring stamp concrete, and temporary lane closures on the Route 5/8/12 north and south passing lanes between Noyes Street and Court Street off and on ramps. Closures are planned for the next two weeks while the contractor reconstructs the center island on the south end of the project. Closures may stay in place overnight.

City of Utica: Route 5/8/12 Arterial at Burrstone Road. Motorists will encounter a shortened deceleration lane for the south Burrstone Road exit ramp due to bridge rehabilitation. The speed limit is reduced to 40 mph from Oswego Street to Burrstone Road.

City of Utica: Route 5/8/12 north ramp from Burrstone Road, on which motorists will encounter a right shoulder closure of the acceleration lane to the Route 5/8/12 Arterial.

City of Utica: Route 5S between Broad Street and Broadway. Motorists will encounter east and westbound passing lane closures due to work in the median.

City of Rome: Route 69 between Gore Road and Pinebrook Lane. Motorists will encounter shoulder closures due to water line installations.

City of Rome: Route 825 (Griffiss Parkway) between Ellsworth Road and the Mohawk River. Motorists will encounter one way alternating traffic with flaggers in place between Ellsworth Road and the bridge over the Mohawk River due to miscellaneous construction and utility work. Market Street will be closed between Route 825 and March Street until November.

City of Rome: Route 825 (Griffiss Parkway) between the Ellsworth Road and Geiger Road intersection to the Floyd Avenue and Brooks Road intersection. Motorists will encounter a full road closure with a detour in place due to railroad work. The detour will consist of North on Route 825 follow detour signs to Ellsworth Road to March Street to Brooks Rout South onto Route 825 follow detour signs to Brooks Road to March Street to Ellsworth Road. Local Traffic to enter businesses along closed portion can enter at the Floyd Avenue and Brooks Roadd intersection.

Village of Clinton: Route 233 between Route 12B and Route 412. Motorists will encounter one way alternating traffic with a temporary signal.

Town of Trenton: Route 12 between Route 28 in Mapledale to the Route 1228 interchange in Alder Creek. Motorists will encounter shoulder closures and possible lane closures due to topsoil work, median work, driveway paving and sign installations throughout the project area.


City of Oneida and town of Vernon: Route 365A between Route 5 and Route 365. Motorists will encounter east and westbound one-way alternating traffic with flaggers due to miscellaneous road construction. Minor delays are expected.

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