Above, PCB testing was conducted earlier this month at Burncoat High School. Testing at Doherty is scheduled for later this month/Elizabeth Brooks photos

If you have paid any attention to local news recently, chances are you have seen the three letters PCB grace newspaper headlines more than once. What do they stand for? And why is Worcester talking about them now? Are PCBs dangerous? Why is Worcester testing two of its high schools and why are some officials anxiously awaiting the results?

There are many questions and not a tremendous amount of answers not that everyone can agree on, anyway. As officials conduct air quality tests on Doherty and Burncoat high schools this month (Worcester Magazine was there for the test at Burncoat earlier this month), we look at PCBs and how they have become part of the lexicon in the Worcester Public School district.

Education Association of Worcester president Roger Nugent


PCB stands for Polychlorinated Biphenyl. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, PCBs are manmade organic chemicals that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine atoms. Before being banned for commercial use in 1979, PCBs were used in fluorescent light ballasts, caulking, floor finishing, plastics and other materials. The synthetic chemical was popular because it is a good insulator and does not burn easily.

When they were found to cause adverse health effects, PCBs were banned in 1979 and are no longer commercially produced. After multiple studies, the EPA concluded PCBs, have been shown to cause cancer in animals as well as a number of serious noncancer health effects in animals, including: effects on the immune system, reproductive system, nervous system, endocrine system and other health effects. Studies in humans support evidence for potential carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of PCBs.

The EPAs conclusion came after Congress urged the EPA to do a reassessment of PCB carcinogenicity in 1996. The results of that reassessment can be found in a report titled Cancer Dose-Response Assessment for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Application to Environmental Mixtures by Dr. Jim Cogliano of the EPAs National Center for Environmental Assessment.

Cogliano concluded that, Overall, the human studies have been considered to provide limited (IARC, 1987) to inadequate (U.S. EPA, 1988a) evidence of carcinogenicity. The animal studies, however, have been considered to provide sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity (IARC, 1987; U.S. EPA, 1988a). Based on these findings, some commercial PCB mixtures have been characterized as probably carcinogenic to humans (IARC, 1987; U.S. EPA, 1988a.

The EPA then assigned 15 experts, including scientists from government, academia and industry, to peer review the report. All 15 peer reviewers agreed with the EPAs conclusion that PCBs are probable human carcinogens.

Worcester Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Brian Allen


While many public and private buildings were built before the banning of commercial use of PCBs, the focus in Worcester has been on their presence in schools. There were 19 Worcester public schools constructed between 1950-1978: Belmont Street, Burncoat High, Burncoat Middle, Chandler Elementary, Chandler Magnet, Clark Street, Doherty High, Elm Park, Flagg Street, Forest Grove Middle, McGrath Elementary, Mill Swan, New Citizens Center, North High, South High, Union Hill #2, Wawecus Road, West Tatnuck and Worcester Arts Magnet.

Nine more schools underwent major renovations during that time frame: Columbus Park, Greendale, Harlow Street, May Street, Nelson Place, Rice Square, Thorndyke Road, Tatnuck Magnet and Worcester East Middle.

So, how was the issue of PCBs first brought to the attention of the school department? Worcester Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Brian Allen recalls the Educational Association of Worcester, the local teachers union, requesting access to school buildings to test for PCBS as part of a research project Massachusetts Teachers Association consultant Mike Sireci was working on in his doctoral program for Harvard in 2009.

As far as we know, it was just part of his own research that he was conducting with Harvard, said Allen.

Sireci says he felt compelled to do his own testing to confirm prior PCB testing conducted by George Weymouth, whose test results concluded that PCB levels at Doherty and Burncoat were above the acceptable 50 parts per million.

Once I got Weymouths results I brought them to WPS and asked in writing to mutually test to confirm the results, said Sireci. At that point, I felt in order to fully represent my members, and for student safety, I was compelled to confirm or deny the results. I asked the WPS in writing to join me. At first, they wanted to mutually agree on an industrial hygienist to conduct tests. I continued to ask them to choose someone and they were indecisive or non-responsive through the month of April.

I finally followed up with an additional letter telling them I was going forward to test on May 11, with or without them. I didnt hear back from them so I went forward independently. After I took samples I informed them and they objected. The school department made an argument at hearing that the samples were taken inappropriately. The argument was dismissed. To me, what is more important than this breakdown in communication is the sample results themselves and the significant health implications for the building occupants.

The school district, according to Allen, was merely doing its due diligence.

We were trying to ascertain whether this was a legitimate MTA EAW issue or his own personal research, Allen said. So, thats where we kind of put the brakes on allowing any bulk testing, because we wanted to know what the purpose of the testing was. And bulk testing is literally taking a bulk sample of a material.

Bulk testing, in this instance, consisted of scraping off a piece of window caulking and testing it for PCBs. The school department opposed the request for bulk testing, claiming it would disturb the caulking, resulting in exposed PCBs.

School Committee member Jack Foley reiterated Allens stance.

It first came to us when the union went in unannounced and disturbed some of the caulking to test for the PCBs, Foley said. Frankly there shouldnt be much of a surprise that it does [contain PCBs.] There isnt much debate out there that caulking is going to have PCBs in it. But they did that and they did it without announcing and telling us, and the EPA says dont disturb the caulk. Then youre putting it into the air. From our point of view, we were upset about that happening.

The state Department of Public Health addresses the issue of PCB-containing materials in the indoor environment of schools and other public buildings in an information booklet, in which they claim if PCBs are present in caulking material, that does not mean that exposure and health impact are likely. The booklet reads, in part, MDPH/BEHs review of available fate suggests that if caulking is intact, no appreciable exposure to PCBs are likely and hence health effects would not be expected. MDPH has conducted indoor tests and reviewed available data generated through the efforts of many others in forming this opinion.

The school department, not surprisingly, agrees with the MDPH findings.

Sireci, however, would go forth with his testing in May 2009. His results were congruent with that of Weymouths, with results of 85,600 total parts per million of PCBs in the window caulking at Doherty and 8,320 total parts per million in the window caulking at Burncoat.

Ultimately, then, the EAW raised this as a potential health risk for us, and thats when we engaged our first environmental consultant, which at the time was Triumvirate Environmental, said Allen. They made recommendations to us essentially using, these have been updated, but using EPAs best management practices, and said, This is what you should be doing. So, in 2012 we adopted these best management practices We talked about what should we do first, they said the first thing you do first is remove all unlabeled [light] ballasts, which essentially means PCB containing, so, we removed 100 percent of them in 2012.

The EPA recommended the city take the following steps:

Remove all PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts Remove PCB-containing caulk, paint and other PCB-containing building materials during planned renovations and repairs (when replacing windows, doors, roofs, ventilation, etc.) Consider encapsulation to reduce PCB exposure Conduct the following best management practices: practices: ensure ventilation systems are operating properly and are regularly inspected, clean with a wet or damp cloth inside of schools and other buildings frequently to reduce dust and residue, and use vacuums with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.

The city reports it has spent 53.8 million implementing the EPAs best management practices and window replacements since 2012, and an additional $55.7 million to replace Nelson Place Elementary School entirely. Allen said the district re-encapsulated window caulking at both Doherty and Burncoat in December and January, a temporary measure until they either replace the windows or replace the schools completely.

School Committee member Jack Foley


Not everyone has bought into what the school department and the city is selling when it comes to how it has dealt with PCBs.

Former mayor Ray Mariano, now a local news columnist for the Worcester Sun, does not think the School Committee and citys reaction to the problem of PCBs has been sufficient, and has criticized both regularly in his column and at public meetings over the past couple months.

In one column he wrote, The School Committee, led by the mayor, is proud of its efforts. How can they be proud when they hid the fact that there were potentially serious health risks in their buildings from students and staff for years? Even when they were removing the poisons in some of the other buildings, they never told anyone. It was only after teachers conducted their own tests, and after years of public pressure, that they have even begun to address this issue publicly.

Allen insists the school department has done and is doing everything it can, and is on the same page as the union.

I think theres a perception that were fighting the union over PCBs, when in fact, were not, Allen said. Were actually proactive and doing something about it. The citys invested all of these resources to replace the windows. Its not that its been a fight over addressing PCBs, its been over the way in which testing will occur.

Allen said the department has been transparent with its actions all along.

I think weve been pretty clear on, since 2012, the projects that weve done and why we were doing them, he said. Weve done them at School Committee meetings, so, in public session, on TV, with the press there. We didnt go in and just remove unlabeled ballasts without telling people. We havent been doing these MSBA window projects without telling people. I think the School Committee has been very clear.

The School Committee did appeal the states labor relation departments decision to allow the union to test for PCBs last June, causing concern to members of both schools and the union. The Commonwealth Employment Relations Board denied that appeal late last month, March 30. Just days later, on April 3, previously-scheduled air testing was conducted at Burncoat. The same test is scheduled at Doherty Monday, April 24. OReilly, Talbot and Okin, the consultants who are doing the testing, said results would take seven to 10 days to be processed.

As for the dispute with the teachers union, Allen said the School Committee was, challenging whether the EAW had the unilateral right to bulk test for caulk. It was over a simple definition, thats my understanding of the case It wasnt over whether we were going to test or not going to test. It wasnt over if we were going to replace windows or not replace windows. It wasnt over if we were going to replace unlabeled ballasts or not replace unlabeled ballasts. Weve done all those things.

If the buildings are bulk tested, and the results come back higher than acceptable limits, Allen said, the question is what would the EPA require the school district to do. The school districts consultants, he said, told them the agency would require air testing.

So, Allen said, were operating under the presumption PCBs exist in the caulk and were already jumping to the next step of air testing. So, the question is why? Because having window caulking doesnt tell us anything. What students or staff are breathing, thats more important to us than if it resides in whats surrounding the window. So, well use the results from Burncoat to say what students and staff are breathing is above or below acceptable limits, what is defined as EPAs acceptable limits for PCBs.

Lets assume for a second that they come back lower. Great. Lets assume they come back higher, whats the next thing you do? You keep implementing these best management practices.

Educational Association of Worcester president Roger Nugent believes the School Committee appealed the courts ruling out of fear.

I think that theyre afraid of the cost, he said. I think theyre afraid of EPA involvement.


As the discussion about PCBs continues to swirl, the city has noted its intentions to eventually replace Burncoat High School. Doherty is already in line with the Massachusetts School Building Authority for renovations or replacement. South High School is also up for a full replacement.

The MSBA has been selecting one school every other or so year, said Allen. They first selected Nelson Place, they then selected South, they then selected Doherty. So, now weve submitted Burncoat and Worcester East Middle as our two next major renovation projects. Weve identified Burncoat as the priority project Some point in the future we fully anticipate MSBA accepting Burncoat into their pipeline.

If accepted, it is a five-year process total including planning and construction.

One question, Allen acknowledged, may be, Why dont you just replace the windows at Burncoat? Weve asked the MSBA to consider that, and they said no. Based on what weve submitted in our statement of interest to them, which is our request, they said theres too many deficiencies in the school, mechanical, educational space, too much work has to be done. They dont view that as a good investment of their 80 cents on the dollar, and thats a good thing.

Allen said it would cost about $12 million for window replacement at each school, and if there is no MSBA reimbursement, the city would be left to foot the bill. According to Mayor Joe Petty, the city has responded as well as it can to the problem.

I think weve responded better than any other school district in Massachusetts, New England, or maybe even the country, he said. What people have to understand is PCBs are in every building that was built in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

Were on the right track, he added. I dont think theres more that we could have done.

Although there has been criticism from Mariano and the union, the school department contends it has been following the EPAs best management practices to the best of its ability.


Nugent is not convinced by the schools contentions, and thinks there is room for improvement. Asked whether the school department has been following the EPA guidelines, Nugent said, Not as strictly as I would like to see. I want it done with fidelity and integrity. Theyre coming around though, definitely. Next week theres going to be a training for the custodians as to how to clean PCB dust, where, when I went in to Doherty and Burncoat over the holiday break, I observed several junior custodians cleaning without masks, gloves, respirators, protective clothing, nothing. Just doing it like it was anything else, and that was concerning.

The issue, so far, has only been raised over Burncoat and Doherty. That has some folks wondering why there hasnt been any attention on other schools in the city built during the same time period.

When this began back in 2009, 2010, the EAW presented to us Burncoat and Doherty as two schools of concern, said Allen. We said, No, lets self-identify all of our schools that were built during this period of time so we know what the full scope is. So, we self-identified 27 schools that were either built or had major renovations during that period of time.

Nugent said he is not against testing other schools, but the two schools alone have been a lot to handle. Foley pointed out that while this has been a hot issue in Worcester, the issue is much larger than Worcester. There are 1,900 schools statewide, 900 or so of which were built dbetween1950-1979. Those that have not undergone major renovations or remediation since, are likely to contain a large amount of PCBs.

This is not unusual to Worcester, said Foley. This is really a national issue that people are trying to deal with across the country. And until you can replace the windows or buildings, its looking at these best practices and how do you minimize the presence of PCBs in the buildings and in the air. People that talk about what we need to do is shut down buildings that have PCBs in the caulking, to do so, youll be shutting down a large percentage of the school buildings across the country if you do so. And from what weve been told by professionals with the EPA, the presence of PCBs in the caulking, if handled properly, do not present a health hazard to the occupants of the building.

Mariano has put forth an entirely different opinion. In a column last month, he wrote, When I wrote my column about polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a poisonous chemical and potential carcinogen, at Burncoat and Doherty Memorial high schools for the March 8 Worcester Sun, I had no idea how many staff and students had possibly been impacted. Initially, my wife, who is a teacher at Burncoat, told me she was aware of about a dozen staff who had developed various forms of cancer. By the time I had completed writing my column, the number that we were aware of had doubled to 23.

Nugent also believes PCBs are linked to some of the health issues at the two schools in question.

I do, he said. And I believe that if we were to get somebody thats been on the faculty or staff at Doherty High School that is familiar with people that have retired or passed, that they could come up with some names over there as well that specifically have died from cancer or have cancer.

While there is no way of indisputably proving whether or not the development of cancer is a direct effect of occupying the Doherty and Burncoat buildings, or even how many staff and students have developed cancer (privacy laws prevent that information from being publicly disseminated), the burning question is whether or not the schools are safe to be in right now. The answer depends on whom you ask.

Well, I would say, again, if a probable carcinogen has not been proven to cause cancer, and we are implementing what the EPA says are best procedures, I would say yes, the school is safe, School Superintendent Maureen Binienda said, noting results from the first air quality test have not yet been revealed.

Nugent, on the other hand, had a quick and succinct answer to the same question: No.

The only reason that some people say that PCBs do not cause cancer is because you cannot test humans. Its against the law, he said. When animals have been tested, its been ruled that PCBs do cause cancer in animals, and I think anybody knows, Im no scientist, but I think we all know, when something affects animals it tends to affect humans the same way.

More here:
Cover Story: Worcester schools and the fight against PCBs - Worcester Mag

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