By Derek Gentile @DerekGentile on Twitter

Photo Gallery | Tree removal in Great Barrington

GREAT BARRINGTON The $6.2 million renovation work along the Main Street corridor resumed on Monday, and among the first orders of business is the removal of the pear trees that line each side of Main Street.

This was a bone of contention during the planning phase of the work three years ago, and while most local merchants aren't thrilled about it, most also realize the work needs to be done.

"I hate to see them go," said Susan Pevzner, owner of Jack's Country Squire at 316 Main St.. "I remember how beautiful they looked in the spring. But they're old and bent over and their roots have pushed up parts of the sidewalk."

Pevzner in particular is keenly aware of the inconveniences caused by an uneven sidewalk. A foot injury several years ago put her on crutches for several weeks, and negotiating the uneven surface was "agonizing."

"Tell me about it," said Mark McGovern, longtime sales associate at Tune Street, another Main Street business. McGovern had an ankle injury a few years ago as well, "and my doc told me to stay away from angled surfaces. I said, 'It ain't gonna happen where I work, doc.' Not with that sidewalk."

A crew works to remove the familiar pear trees Monday from Main Street in Great Barrington. The 6.2 million renovation work along the corridor resumed, with work expected to continue through the summer. (Ben Garver The Berkshire Eagle)

The town has faced several complaints from residents and visitors tripping over upraised portions of the walk.

See more here:
Great Barrington's Main Street renovation resumes with pear tree removal

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Category: Tree Removal