BAKERSFIELD, CA.-A home on Colgate Avenue in East Bakersfield is for sale, but this is no ordinary listing. Money from that home sale will help save women who are sold for sex.

Magdalene Hope is a local non-profit that helps victims of sex trafficking. Dedicated volunteer Susie Tors would walk up and down Union Avenue reaching out to potential victims. She also worked at the Magdalene Hope safe house.

"She just had a heart for the ladies," said Doug Bennett, Founder & President of Magdalene Hope. "She wanted to see women set free."

So when she passed away from stomach pains in 2013, her family came up with an idea to keep her passion alive.

"Her mother approached me and said you know we'd like to give you the home once the mortgage is paid and the back money is paid on the house," said Bennett. "We feel that Suzie would want to give to the organization even after she was gone."

The four bedroom home has two bathrooms and two backyard spaces, plus two living areas.

"It has 2,006 square feet, built in 1962," said realtor Katrina Blakemore. "Good features, great neighborhood, beautiful street, lots of trees."

Just like the women served by Magdalene Hope, the house needed a little love.

"Needed some love, needed a little bit of restoration, and needed a second chance," said Bennett.

So $23,000 dollars went into kitchen, electrical and carpet renovations. But the yellow bathroom kept its color because it was Suzie's favorite.

See the original post here:
Family donating money from home sale to Magdalene Hope

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March 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Restoration