Pest control to check for bed bugs next week

Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:05 AM EST

Titusville Herald

Titusville Area School District reports that the pest management company that was hired to rid Main Street Elementary School of bed bugs is scheduled to return on Thursday, at 3:30 p.m., to conduct further inspection and reapply appropriate pesticide.

The pests were discovered last week and treated Monday evening in some of the school's bathrooms.

According to school district Superintendent Karen Jez, in the event that bed bugs are rediscovered by the pest inspection company, the district will repeat the same process, including having the exterminators return for follow-up treatment and bagging personal belongings.

"At the direction of our buildings and grounds and student services directors, the principal, teachers and staff have had the children place their personal belongings in plastic bags each day this week to prevent the spread of any potential bed bugs from one individual's belongings to another," Jez said. "This is the same process undertaken when lice are found at school."

She added that the treated areas are thoroughly cleaned and the actual pesticide is placed behind the baseboard, inside the wall sockets and walls.

Jez said that in speaking with the pest management company, Ehrlich Pest Control, "our buildings and grounds director is assured that it is safe for our students and employees to be in the school building following the application process."

Since the bugs are most likely riding to school on someone, Jez reminded families in a letter posted on the district's website,, to inspect their homes.

Read more here:
Pest control to check for bed bugs next week

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February 8, 2015 at 2:38 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control