Benjamin Recht has been named the 2015 recipient of the National Academy of Sciences William O. Baker Award in the field of statistics and machine learning. This award is given to "recognize innovative young scientists and to encourage research likely to lead toward new capabilities for human benefit." Prof. Recht is receiving this award for his significant contributions to the field of data science, an area of research that combines statistics (the analysis of large amounts of numerical data), computer science, and mathematics. More>> January 30

EECS alumnus Jyuo-Min Shyu, Ph.D. 88 (advisor Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli) has been appointed the Minister of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Dr. Shyu was formerly president of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan. More>> January 30

Christos Papadimitriou has been chosen to receive the 2015 European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) Distinguished Achievements award. This award is given to acknowledge extensive and widely recognized contributions to theoretical computer science over a life-long scientific career. Previous recipients of the EATCS Award represent a Who's Who of Theoretical Computer Science including EECS Prof. Richard Karp. More>> January 15

James O'Brien and his colleagues Ben Cole and Eric Parker will be receiving a Technical Achievement award from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Finite Element Destruction modeling. The software they developed has been used in over 60 Feature films during the last five years, including Harry Potter, Man of Steel, 300: Rise of an Empire, Godzilla, Life of Pi, Maleficent, and Guardians of the Galaxy. January 13

Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli has been named as an ACM Fellow for 2014. ACM Fellows have achieved advances in computing research and development that are driving innovation and sustaining economic development around the world. Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli has been recognized for his contributions to electronic design automation. More>> January 12

Murat Arcak has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize. This prize is awarded by the IEEE Control Systems Society to recognize distinguished cutting-edge contributions by a young researcher to the theory or application of systems and control. Prof. Arcak is receiving the award for contributions to the theory and applications of nonlinear control, stability and passivity. December 16

Research conducted by Sayeef Salahuddins group, Laboratory for Emerging & Exploratory Devices, has been published in the online journal Natural Materials titled " Negative capacitance in a ferroelectric capacitor. Capacitance is the ability of a material to store an electrical charge. The article describes the first direct observation of a long-hypothesized but elusive phenomenon called negative capacitance. This property, if successfully integrated into transistors, could reduce the amount of power they consume by at least an order of magnitude, and perhaps much more, says the papers lead author Asif Khan. That would lead to longer-lasting cell phone batteries, less energy-consumptive computers of all types, and, perhaps even more importantly, could extend by decades the trend toward faster, smaller processors that has defined the digital revolution since its birth. CITRIS press release December 16

Ana Arias research group, Flexible Electronic Devices and Systems Laboratory has a paper published in Nature Communications titled All-organic optoelectronic sensor for pulse oximetry. Pulse oximetry is a ubiquitous non-invasive medical sensing method for measuring pulse rate and arterial blood oxygenation. Conventional pulse oximeters use expensive optoelectronic components that restrict sensing locations to finger tips or ear lobes due to their rigid form and area-scaling complexity. Prof. Arias group is developing a new organic optoelectronic sensor to create a device that could ultimately be thin, cheap and flexible enough to be slapped on like a Band-Aid during that jog around the track or hike up the hill. UC Berkeley Newscenter press release December 10

Dan Garcia was interviewed by NBC Bay Areas Jessica Aguirre about and their Hour of Code initiative that launches today as part of CS Education Week. NBC Bay Area video December 8

On the 1 year anniversary of the first Hour of Code, over 50 million students have tried the Hour of Code. President Obama kicks off the 2014 Computer Science Education Week with a new call to motivate students worldwide to try the 2014 Hour of Code. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, 500 local high school students will come to UC Berkeley for CS ED Day 2014, a full day of computer science related activities. President Obama video December 8

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January 30, 2015 at 12:21 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
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