Colby Sue Weathers: her mother had asked a local gunshop not to sell her the weapon she used to kill her father.

Lets say your mental landscape is similar to that of Colby Sue Weathers back in 2012: suicidal, homicidal, paranoid, schizophrenic. Oh, and with a drug and alcohol problem. You are too disabled by mental illness - schizophrenia was diagnosed in 2011 - and recurring hospitalisations to work. You are not great about maintaining your psychotropic drug regimen, which you administer inconsistently and sometimes to woozy excess. And you have an occasional hankering, occasionally satisfied, to consume a bottle of spirits. In other words, your life is utterly out of control.

One trouble you probably dont have - provided you live in the United States - is gaining access to a lethal firearm. Thanks in part to the advocacy of the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights groups, and in part to the commitment of politicians, you can buy a gun and kill someone, yourself included, almost entirely free of obstacles. In many cases, you can do so completely legally. Because in practice, the US gun market generally does not discriminate against a wide array of pre-existing conditions, including madness.

There are no thorough background checks to determine whether you are mentally unhinged and a danger to yourself or others. No waiting periods to give the evil voices echoing inside your head time to decamp. No opportunities for family or friends or public safety officials to intervene in the firearm transaction. No meaningful commercial distinctions made between a skilled hunter eager for the approach of deer season and a dangerous psychotic with visions of blood.

Last week, Janet Delana filed a negligence suit against Odessa Gun & Pawn shop in Odessa, Missouri. In May 2012, Odessa sold Delanas daughter - Colby Sue Weathers - a Hi-Point .40 calibre semi-automatic pistol. According to the suit, Weathers, who was 38 at the time, had intended to shoot herself. She sat with the gun for an hour or so before abandoning her goal and informing her parents, who promptly got rid of the gun.


A few weeks later, in late June, the voices in Weatherss head told her to buy another gun and kill herself. Having observed her daughters agitation, Delana said she called Odessa Gun & Pawn on June 25, and alerted an employee to her daughters chronic mental illness and current suicidal state. She asked that the shop refrain from selling Weathers a gun. Two days later, Weathers turned up at Odessa and bought another Hi-Point pistol. Weathers drove home, loaded two bullets and shot her father. Dad is dead, she texted her mother. He was.

The lawsuit, which was filed by lawyers for the Brady Centre to Prevent Gun Violence, is an uphill challenge'', said UCLA law professor Adam Winkler, author of the excellent book, Gun Fight, via email. Under the nations gun laws, the dealer was allowed to sell to someone without a criminal or mental illness record. Its usually hard to pin responsibility for someones bad acts on a commercial establishment that merely supplied the equipment.

Supplying the equipment is what the nations 140,000 federally licensed firearms dealers do for a living. And there is absolutely nothing in federal law requiring them to sell their wares in a manner that is socially responsible, discerning or protective of human life. Kevin Jamison, the lawyer for Odessa, told me, The store went through all the proper legal procedures.

And there you have the nub of the problem. The lawsuit doesnt even claim that Odessa violated the law. Presumably, Weathers passed an instant background check before killing her father. A 2011 report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which was co-founded by Michael Bloomberg, revealed that almost half the states had submitted fewer than 100 mental health records to the federal background check database. Cases of substance abuse were also hugely underreported. And merely being crazy isnt sufficient for inclusion in the database, anyway. You have to be certified crazy. As the Los Angeles Times reported in September after a mass shooting at Washingtons Naval Yard, Most mentally ill people - including Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter who apparently showed signs of psychosis - never get treatment or arent recognized as being in crisis.

Continued here:
Colby Sue Weathers: homicidal, psychotic and legally sold a gun

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December 28, 2014 at 4:22 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
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