NEW PORT RICHEY To help clean up the citys image, City Council members put some finishing touches on higher maintenance standards for homes.

A work session produced suggestions for tweaking the proposed ordinance. The concept could come back soon for public hearings before the council takes a final vote.

Councilwoman Judy DeBella Thomas wanted a lower threshold before the city steps in to cut tall yard grass. The proposal once specified grass a foot tall before the city took action. Thomas and others thought that was too high. They want the standard to be grass six inches tall.

City Manager Debbie Manns outlined the changes in a recent memo to council. Additional regulations are needed which will advance a higher property maintenance standard, she wrote.

The city ordinance is modeled after the 2012 International Code Councils International Property Maintenance Code, Manns noted.

Maintenance amendments could require residential owners and occupants to maintain structures in a clean and sanitary condition, including shared or public areas.

Vacant structures and vacant land will be required to be maintained in a clean, safe, secure and sanitary condition and not cause a blighting problem or adversely affect public health, Manns explained.

The proposal specifies that plumbing fixtures and drinking water and wastewater pipes must be in working order.

All mechanical appliances, cooking, heating and cooling equipment will be required to be properly installed and maintained and be capable of performing the intended function, Manns added.

A three-month limit would apply to tarps as temporary patches on leaking roofs.

Read the rest here:
NPR officials consider higher property maintenance rules

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December 6, 2014 at 1:15 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Heating and Cooling Repair