Looking for work, or know someone who is?

Times/Review classifieds offers local companies a place to advertise their job openings each week, and this week close to 40 positions are availablefrom a barista, to a librarian, to a plumber.

And for anyone interested in submitting a classified ad, email: classifieds@timesreview.com.

Check out the listings below:

ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER: Needed for fast-growing business. Knowledge of QuickBooks helpful. Please send resume to theresa@hamptonseverything.com or call 631-779-3318.

ASSISTANT TERMINAL MANAGER: This F/T position requires working weekends and holidays. Cross Sound Ferry is seeking a highly motivated individual with excellent communication skills and computer literacy. Customer service and management experience required. This position also requires working outdoors and assisting with regular maintenance. Benefits include: competitive pay, 401(k), profit-sharing plan, health/dental plan and paid vacation/holidays. This position is located in Orient Point, NY. Submit resume to, Cross Sound Ferry, Attn: Andrew Binkowski, P.O. Box 524, Orient, NY 11957 or email, andy@longislandferry.com. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

BARTENDER: Experience preferred. Four Doors Down Restaurant, 631-298-8311.

CASEWORKER: Professional level social casework duties in providing services for children in the Residential Treatment Center. Includes office and field work. Required MSW and valid NYS drivers license. Spanish-speaking a plus. Related experience preferred. Little Flower Children and Family Services in Wading River, NY. Send resume, wadingriver-jobs@lfchild.org or apply online at littleflowerny.org or fax 631-929-6203. EOE.


Read more from the original source:
Help Wanted: Plumber, barista, librarian

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