Homeowners can relate to the relief of completing a tough home repair project. Sure, there's cause for celebration, and given everything that can and does go wrong in the typical window replacement, kitchen fixup or roof job, once the project is done with a minimal of unforeseen damage and problems, it's time to uncork a bottle of champagne.

So, imagine the relief - and exultation - that the Attleboro Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution must be feeling in the wake of the completion of the window replacement project at its home, the historic 1723 Peck House. The achievement was no small accomplishment, which is why the women plan on holding a dedication and open house from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday at 2 Elizabeth St.

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Excerpt from:
Historic home repair job at DAR House in Attleboro

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November 10, 2014 at 11:43 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement