WACO, Texas (PRWEB) November 07, 2014

The WorldFranchising Network has compiled its 8th annual list of the 50 Top Franchises for Minorities. The results are in the Oct. 24, 2014 issue of USA TODAY in the Franchising Today section.

Mr. Appliance, a leading appliance service franchise, is among those listed.

The steady increase in minority representation in franchising over the last several years is very encouraging, said Rob Bond, founder and president of the World Franchising Network. Franchisors continue to make a concerted effort to reach out to minorities, which is ultimately highly beneficial in the long run to all parties involved.

The World Franchising Network selected 50 franchisors from hundreds of companies requesting evaluation for inclusion in the listing. Participants were required to answer a questionnaire that noted the number of operating units owned or managed by minorities, as well as the number of minorities in senior management.

There was no cost to participate in the survey. The only constraint was that franchisors had to have more than 40 operating units. Mr. Appliance to date has more than 160 locations in the U.S. in addition to locations in Canada, and has been franchising since 1996.

It is an honor to be among the Top 50 Franchises for minorities, said Doug Rogers, president of Mr. Appliance. This award reflects our dedication to our Code of Values and conducting business with respect and integrity.

Mr. Appliance is not only among Top Franchises for Minorities but for Veterans as well. In 2014, Mr. Appliance won five awards, with two of these awards centered on their franchise sales to Veterans.

To view the article and full listing, click here . About Mr. Appliance: Mr. Appliance is North Americas appliance service leader, renowned for integrity and dependability. Established in 1996, its franchises provide full-service residential and light commercial appliance repair. Mr. Appliance has more than 160 locations in North America and is consistently ranked among the top home service franchises by Entrepreneur magazine and other industry experts. Mr. Appliance is a subsidiary of The Dwyer Group, Inc., family of service franchises. For more information or to find the location nearest you, visit MrAppliancefranchise.com.

Mr. Appliance among Top 50 Franchises for Minorities

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November 7, 2014 at 2:04 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Appliance Repair