PUEBLO, CO -- During Energy Awareness Month, Colorado energy provider Black Hills Energy is providing smart, cost-effective fixes - many costing less than $20 - that can help any homeowner across the country to save money.

"Nearly half of all energy use during the colder weather months is dedicated to heating homes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency," said Jill Linck, Energy Services Division for Black Hills Energy. "We're no strangers to frigid temperatures in Colorado, so we want to arm our customers with simple ways to increase heating efficiency in their homes, as well as to check other, less obvious sources of energy waste, including appliance use."

Air leakage: Air leakage occurs when cold outside air enters and warm air escapes through cracks and openings, increasing the cost of keeping a home at a consistently comfortable temperature. Feel for leaks by floating your hand around the perimeters of doors and windows, electrical outlets, and even cable and telephone line entry points, then seal any problem spots using caulk and a $5 caulking gun. Adding weatherstripping to doors and windows is another low-cost way to keep the winter chill out and the warm air in.

Dirty air filters: Dirty furnace air filters can clog and cause higher resistance of air flow, particularly during high-usage months, resulting in more energy consumed. Diligent cleaning of air filters each month for about $20 with filter spray and oil, and replacing them about every three months keeps warm, clean air flowing in throughout a home.

Kitchen culprits: It's hard to resist opening the oven door to check on baking cookies or a Thanksgiving turkey, but did you know the temperature inside an oven drops 25 degrees every time the door is opened while in use? This increases cook time and wastes energy. Instead, turn on the oven light for a peek inside. When using the stovetop, use the right-sized pot or pan for each burner - for example, a six-inch pan on an eight-inch burner wastes 40 percent of the burner's energy.

Duct leaks from the furnace to the vent: HVAC ducts that leak conditioned air into unheated spaces can add hundreds of dollars a year to heating and cooling bills. Sealing seams with duct mastic means a furnace doesn't have to work overtime to keep your family cozy. Duct mastic is available for under $15 per gallon, and can be applied with an inexpensive paint brush.

Thermostat control: Adjusting a thermostat down 5 degrees to 10 degrees while you're asleep or while you're out of the house can help you save on heating and cooling bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Utilize programmable thermostats for when you're typically out of the house, too. In general, a good rule of thumb is to keep the thermostat set to 68 degrees.

"Taking proactive steps to increase a home's energy efficiency is one of the quickest, most cost-effective ways to address energy consumption during Southern Colorado's colder weather months," Linck said "In addition to arming our customers with simple in-home fixes they can do on their own to reduce energy waste during this time of year, we encourage them to apply for one of our six residential energy efficiency programs or connect with us to find out if they qualify for our Low Income Weatherization program."

Residential energy efficiency programs available for application by all residential Black Hills Energy customers include:

Online Energy Evaluation: Answer a few short questions at BHESaveMoney.com to receive the energy ranking for your home, suggestions to improve efficiency and a three-year savings estimate.

See the rest here:
How to Fix 5 Sources of Energy Waste in Your Home for Under $20

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November 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Air Duct Cleaning