LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB ) -- Laws over how Louisville homeowners get rid of yard waste are changing.

As of January 1, 2015, yard waste placed in plastic bags will no longer be picked-up by service providers. Angela Kessans is the Public Education Coordinator for the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Waste Management . She explains the changes and the best way to avoid fines and extra costs.

Changes to yard waste collection in Louisville:

Regular Plastic Bags Not Allowed After January 1

Residents who utilize yard waste collection services must use one of the following containers: Reusable bin, paper yard waste bag, or compostable plastic bag meeting astm d6400 standards.

WHAT IS YARD WASTE? Yard waste includes organic waste generated during regular household landscaping and gardening activities. Rocks, dirt, gravel, flower pots, and pot liners are not considered yard waste.

ARE THERE ALTERNATIVES TO SETTING OUT YARD WASTE FOR COLLECTION? Yes. Mulching and/or composting at home are often the fastest and cheapest ways to manage your yard waste. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS IF I NEED TO HAVE MY YARD WASTE COLLECTED? Best: Reusable containers are often cheaper than using single-use bags in the long run. Bins should have sturdy handles for collection crews, a capacity between 20 and 40 gallons, weigh no more than 60 pounds when filled, and be covered with a secure lid.

Next Best: Paper yard waste bags that are not over filled and are folded closed.

Still Good: Compostable plastic bags should clearly state they meet ASTMD 6400 standards for composting. Bags marked "biodegradable" do not meet the requirement for this regulation. The compostable bags should be securely tied.

WHY IS USING COMPOSTABLE BAGS IMPORTANT? After your yard waste is collected, it is delivered to a compost facility. Regular plastic bags are not compostable and must be separated from the yard waste. Removing plastic bags increases processing costs and remaining shreds reduce demand for the compost.

Read the original:
Laws for disposing of yard waste change January 1st for Louisville homeowners

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