CHRISTMAS is coming and I swear to you, anybody that opens a window cleaning company can make a million dollars for the season alone! Window cleaning is one of those tasks that beg to be hired out - all that spraying and reaching and wiping, and in the end you have a mess of streaks which catch the light just so.

Construction matters are what I deal with normally, but as I was caught home this weekend just trying to relax, the wife set a chore for me (The wife finds work for idle husbands to do). So, to clean the windows were my task, and thus prompted the following article:

Cleaning glass, whether its a window or a mirror or a coffee table, is more about the tools than the elbow grease. With the right stuff in your bucket, you can get your glass streak-free.

Here are five tips that can get you to that sweet spot, the first of which is as basic as it gets: If youre diluting your cleaner, dilute it with something clean.

Go with distilled water Most of us dont consider whats in the water we use to clean. In truth, it usually doesnt matter. But with glass, you see absolutely everything, so water content can make a difference - especially if you have hard water.

If youre diluting your glass cleaner, consider using distilled water. It doesnt have all the minerals in it that can be present in the water from your tap, so it wont leave behind any streaky deposits on your bathroom mirror.

Of course, the cleaner youre diluting matters too. Up next: Its the cheap route to streak-free.

The power of vinegar Vinegar is one of those all-purpose ingredients thats tough to live without. Its as great on a salad as it is on your mirror, and it costs practically nothing. Whether youre out of your usual glass cleaner or youre just looking for a cheaper option, vinegar can do wonders for your windows and mirrors. Vinegar-water solutions (50/50) works great - just spray on and then wipe like you would any other cleaner. The smell will stick around for a bit, so if you gag at the scent of vinegar, you might save this streak-free cleaner for outdoor glass.

Minimise suds Theres nothing like a bunch of suds to leave your glass full of streaks. This isnt a problem if youre using vinegar or straight glass cleaner - no soap there. But, if your coffee table is truly dirty and youre adding soap to the solution, remember: Go easy. It doesnt take much soap to get rid of that dirt, and using too much will result in an overly dense cleaner that can leave a streaky residue on the glass.

And speaking of residue: Its perhaps the biggest glass-cleaning mistake so many of us make.

Read the original here:
How to clean your window without streaks

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October 6, 2014 at 6:28 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Cleaning