FORT MYERS, Fla.- Is your son looking for a job? You may want to suggest he leave the mower at home and offer up his services as a babysitter!

With the holidays just around the corner, many boys are discovering that babysitting gigs can bring in big bucks.

Babysitting isn't just fun and games for high school student Sam Latzsch. It's a paycheck and a growing trend, according to the American Red Cross.

"Gender roles are becoming less defined. We've seen an increase in teen boys and young males register for our babysitting courses," said Grant Hansen with the Red Cross.

The numbers are expected to grow so much that the Red Cross is making changes to the curriculum to reflect the new demographic.

"We wanted to make sure they're well represented in the classroom courses, so many of our videos now feature young males going through their instruction," said Hansen.

Author Cary Siegel says young men are beginning to see the multiple benefits of babysitting, compared to more traditional jobs for a teen boy.

"One of them is the fact that, you know what, it pays pretty good. Two is it's a lot easier than the manual labor. Three, it's more flexible in terms of what they can do in terms of the hours and how do it. And you know what, four, it's probably a little bit more enjoyable," said Siegel.

But Hansen points out babysitting brings its own challenges.

"It may not be sweating and grueling like digging a ditch or mowing a lawn or being behind a counter all day, but you're very hands on as a sitter. You're playing with the kids, you're always mindful of safety and things like that."

See the article here:
Growing numbers of boys work as babysitters

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October 5, 2014 at 1:17 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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