Chicago, IL (PRWEB) September 02, 2014

The Canada goose is one of the most common North American pest birds, known for stubbornly returning to the same areas year after year. Populations of year-round resident geese have been exploding in recent years, while migratory birds add to their numbers seasonally.

In the United States, September marks the return of birds from Canada joining the resident flocks, and the problem gets worse as winter goes on. For this reason, Bird-X pest control experts recommend setting up goose prevention devices now when resident geese are no longer attached to their nests, and before new geese move in and get too comfortable. The key is prevention as early on as possible.

Canada geese are complex creatures with extremely sharp sensory capabilities in both hearing and vision. They follow instinctive cyclical behaviors throughout the year. Knowledge of these seasonal variations is essential to implementing successful strategies for long-term Canada goose control.

Because Canada geese are creatures of habit, once a habitat has been chosen they are known for returning year after year. They select areas that meet their needs; grassy areas and especially those with bodies of water, such as golf courses, corporate grounds, and hospital grounds provide these birds with everything they need. Grass itself serves as a nutritious food source, which is why these birds are so often found on lawns. By using a liquid aversion product such as Bird Stop to cover the lawns, birds find the grass no longer appetizing and will seek out grassy areas that taste better. This is the same product used by farmers to protect fruit; it is harmless and commonly used.

Geese also respond to sound technology, but recorded sounds need to be specific to their species (most bird callers are not made for geese). Dr. Philip Whitford, Ph.D., who has studied Canada geese for over 30 years, recorded the only documented natural recording of a Canada goose alarm call. Combined with the Canada goose alert call, these sounds were used to create the Bird-X GooseBuster. Tested by Dr. Whitford over many years, this is the most effective, continuously relied upon goose control product available on the market today.

Visual decoys can also be beneficial, especially when combined with the tactics mentioned above (by creating a multi-sensory attack and making an area as unwelcoming as possible, geese are far less likely to get very comfortable). When placed on property early in the season, freshly returning geese will quickly see that predators have moved into their territory, think this area is not safe, and will move on.

General bird control means the clean-up of any bird mess (feather, droppings, and any remaining nests), as birds look for these markings to recognize safe territory. This is also just good housekeeping, and any responsible building owner, facility manager, or landscaper should be doing this anyway, since bird feces can carry disease, fungus, and other potentially dangerous materials. Geese themselves can be dangerous to humans as they are prone to attack, especially if they are allowed to nest. Furthermore, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 prevents the removal of geese when they are actively nesting until the goslings are old enough to move on safely; therefore prevention is in anyones best interest.

By installing goose control methods now, the risk of a larger goose problem later is greatly reduced. Once nesting starts in later winter and early spring, geese are much more challenging to move; the best opportunity to start a program is now in late summer and early Fall, when adults have recovered from their molt and goslings are capable of leaving.

Bird-X, Inc. is the leading international brand of bird control products since 1964, and is dedicated to protecting human health, wildlife and the environment in which we all live. The Chicago-based company manufactures a complete line of unique pest control products with an unmatched focus on quality, efficacy, and customer service.

Read more here:
Got Geese? Start Controlling Them Now

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Category: Pest Control