Oil Festival to bring in community fun Annual local festival set for Friday and Saturday

By Brian DiFonzo news@titusvilleherald.com Monday, August 4, 2014 4:06 AM EDT

In just a few days, that time of year is officially upon us.

People will be in the streets, the downtown park and all throughout the city. The smells of hot sausages, french fries and other fair-like cuisine will fill the air.

In Titusville, that means its time for the Oil Festival. Friday and Saturday, the city pays its yearly homage to the petroleum industry.

This years theme is Mardi Gras with events catered to all age groups on the agenda (See schedule).

This years event marks the first Oil Festival for Emily Altomare, executive director for the Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce. Altomare took the position last September and says the committee has met regularly since her hiring to set the plan for this years festival.

Its been exciting, said Altomare. There are so many activities and I thought we could do even more this year.

Traditional events such as the 11 a.m Saturday parade, the crafters fair in Scheide Park and the popular fireworks by Gibson Fireworks on Saturday at dusk are again on the schedule. The Zem Zem Shriners will be a parade highlight this year as the organization and numerous affiliated clubs make their first appearances in Titusville since the Oil 150 in 2009.

Having the Shriners a part of the parade will enhance that well-attended event, as will the car show, which starts when the parade ends. Under the direction of Bill Gratkowski and Bob Joyce, classic autos will be seen along West Spring Street.

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Annual local festival set for Friday and Saturday

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