Published: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 10:05 p.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 10:05 p.m.

LAKEWOOD RANCH - No patch of grass is safe from Floridas soggy summers, even the well-manicured fields of Lakewood Ranch Park.

Now, construction crews are working on storm-water retention ponds and a drainage system to pump rainwater from the fields, which are on 130 acres about a mile north of State Road 70 on Lakewood Ranch Boulevard.

Tom Yarger, a Manatee County construction services manager working on the $300,000 project, said the project is the first step in realizing the countys general development plan for the park, which features new pavilions, playgrounds, parking spaces, concession stands, locker rooms and a press box.

Weve had the general development plan for a couple of years, Yarger said. Our parks and natural resources department prioritized the project.

But before the new amenities begin to take shape, crews will spend the summer constructing pipes and ditches to help drain waterlogged fields into an already existing retention pond and the new, acre-and-a-half sized retention pond now under construction.

They also are digging just west of the softball fields, where additional parking will be built.

Yarger said the construction will not interfere with the fields or team practices and should be finished by the end of September.

All the fields are already established, Yarger said. We wont do anything on the fields aside from repair irrigation, sod, fencing when its needed.

After the storm-water improvements are made and more funding becomes available, Yarger said thats when construction on the new amenities will begin.

Read more:
Work to improve drainage at Lakewood Ranch Park

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July 24, 2014 at 1:08 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Sod