9 years later, boy who fell from window making 'miraculous' recovery

By Natalie Crofts

July 17th, 2014 @ 11:17am

AMERICAN FORK A boy who had part of his brain removed after falling from a second-story window had his 13th surgery Wednesday.

Chason Barkle, 12, has made a miraculous recovery after a tragic accident, according to family. He was 3 years old when he was playing with his 5- year-old brother in their room. His mom told the boys that if they cleaned up their toys they could go out for ice cream, but they never got the chance.

It was a hot day and while their parents were downstairs, the boys decided to try and open up the window more. A bar was in place to prevent the kids from falling out, and when the 5-year-old tried to push on the window harder he accidentally pushed his brother out.

We heard crying outside and at first we thought it was one of the neighbor boys who was always doing dangerous stuff, but my older son came down and said, Go outside, go outside, said mother Haley Barkle. We found Chason on the grass and called 911.

Chason had fallen onto the metal edge of a window well, which was impaled 4 inches into his brain. He pulled himself off of it and never lost consciousness. An ambulance was already in the area so Chasen was quickly taken to the nearby American Fork Hospital before being transported by medical helicopter to Primary Childrens Medical Center.

When we got there he was already in surgery and they told us that there was a real possibility that if he survived he might be a vegetable, that he would need to learn how to walk and talk all over again, that he might not know who he was or who we are, and so thats kind of what we were facing going into the surgery, Barkle said. He woke up that next morning and said, Hi, mom!

His skull was broken and doctors had to remove part of his brain, but Chason was able to return home only nine days later. Since the accident in 2005 he has had numerous surgeries and several complications, but he shows no signs of brain damage or aggression.

Original post:
9 years later, boy who fell from window making 'miraculous' recovery

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