Bambang Muryanto

The Jakarta Post

Publication Date : 02-06-2014

On the anniversary of the introduction of the state ideology Pancasila on June 1, an act of intolerance occurred in Yogyakarta as residents and members of Ormas (mass organisations) attacked a Pentecostal church in Pangukan, Sleman regency on Sunday.

The group stoned the church, which had been vacated by its congregation after Sunday Service, destroying the buildings glass windows.

Police and military officers were powerless to stop the violent act. The regencys public order officers installed zinc fences after the police inspected the area.

Turmudzi, board member from the Islamic study group, Majelis Talim Al Huda said that local residents, along with members of the Islamic Jihad Front (FJI) and Islamic Peoples Forum (FUI) were responsible for damaging the church.

The reason is not related to worship. We attacked the church because it has no building permit, Turmudzi, who suffered injuries to his hands after stoning the church, claimed.

Separately, Sleman Deputy Regent Yuni Satya Rahayu admitted that the administration had not granted a building permit to the church, saying that the church board faked signatures of local residents to fulfill the requirements of the permit.

Read more:
Residents, Muslim groups attack Yogyakarta church

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June 2, 2014 at 2:53 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction